
Sunday 12 October 2014

Homestead Farm Solar Park Planning Permission application has been revised


 TCP/31883, P/00607/14  

Land at Homestead Farm Caulbourne Lane and land at Lower Dodpits Farm Warlands Lane Ningwood Newport Isle Of Wight PO30

This Solar Park application immediately to the south of Shalfleet seems to be active again. Originally submitted in May 2014, there were 27 comments making it a very controversial application. It was discussed at the Shalfleet Parish Council meeting of 18th June. I reported the case here on the Blog on 19th June, commenting that I was surprised that none of the Councillors seemed aware that there had even been a consultation on 18th February (which I attended). I reported on the case

In that report I also embedded the slides kindly provided by the developer's agent, David Long associated with Christopher Scott and Olivetina Property.

In that report I noted: "In later discussion, after the meeting, it was suggested that Natural England and the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England might have a view, as the impact on the environment is potentially more significant that it would seem at first sight."  You might remember that Mrs Sarah Tyrrel gave an eloquent and forceful presentation to the Parish Council, the text of which is embedded below:

Mrs Tyrrel's point, of course, shows that one's intuitively positive attitude to solar parks is over-simplistic.  Aside from the points Mrs Tyrrel makes, this land which was until fairly recently productive farming land is now destined to be built upon.  Mission creep usually ends up with housing estates, which are far more profitable, riding in on the back of conversion of any food-producing farmland when the use is changed to non-farming uses.  We never seem to get it back.

The residents of Shalfleet will need to consider whether they really want to develop both to the north and south of the established housing outline of the village or whether enough is enough.  Since solar parks provide no jobs, it doesn't bring any benefit to the residents of Shalfleet village or the parish.


  1. seems you aint in favour of anything that goes against yer own views An I bet yer wont let this be put out on ere

  2. I get this tedious rubbish from you so often Mr.... Yes, I know exactly who you are, you leave muddy footprints all over the place when you leave. The rules are quite simple. If the post is anonymous then the rules are pretty tight. Drivel, such as you posted above won't normally get through. If you give your name (just type it if you can't work out how to log-on) then pretty much anything will get through whether I agree with it or not -- provided the content isn't abusive, defamatory and is family-friendly. Is that OK? I have to have common-sense rules of decency and for most of the time your anonymous posts don't pass muster.
