
Thursday, 31 July 2014

West Wight Medical Practice Newsletter 2nd July 2014

Extraordinary Meeting of Shalfleet Parish Council 6th August 2014 Public and Press Excluded

Extraordinary Meeting of Shalfleet Parish Council 6th August 2014 Public and Press Excluded

Extraordinary Meeting 06-08-2014(1) by david5174

For your information only as you are not entitled to be present. The previous Clerk's resignation was not officially announced by the Parish Council.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Wellow Green Fun and Fizz next Saturday 2nd August 2014 please come!! Update New Brochure

Please come to Wellow Green on Saturday 2pm to 5pm, see below for details:-

£3 for all the family, young and auld!  Unlimited free parking, no parking charges, no parking tickets!  The Route 7 bus stops outside -- take the (N) -- = Ningwood rather than the (S)-- = Shalfleet.  Enjoy!

Saturday, 19 July 2014

New Councillor needed for Shalfleet - Do you want an election or let the Parish Council choose the new Councillor for you? If you do nothing, the Parish will choose for you. -- Update 3

The last two vacancies have now been advertised by SPC. The advertised date is 31st July 2014 and signatures requesting an election rather than co-option must be received by 20th August HOWEVER after discussion with the IWC sufficient signatures (more than ten) will be with the IWC by early next week to ensure that both polls take place at the same time to reduce costs and closure of the schools. I have been told that October 9th is a likely date for the election however it has to be cleared with the polling stations. Please block off October 9th in your diaries now -- I will let you know immediately we have confirmation or change. So there are three vacancies and almost anyone on the Shalfleet Electoral Register who has been resident for a year or more is entitled to stand. There is a lot going on in our parish now, with development proposals and the Localism Act (e.g. Bembridge's recent referendum) so perhaps more now than at any time for years, this parish election is of important to all residents. Whether you're standing, supporting or voting, it would be great to make this a good turnout.

Councillor Vacancy Advertisement 31-7-14 by david5174

Update 2 -- Rumours had been circulating that there had been other resignations on the Parish Council and that the Clerk had resigned.  Nothing had been posted on the Parish website or on the notice boards, so a resident kindly offered to make a Freedom of Information request.  The formal replies are in the file below, but:

Cllr Jacobs resigned and her vacancy was the one advertised on 17th July, which has been notified for election rather than co-option, under the Rule of Ten.  i.e. More than ten signatures (21, actually) were collected requesting the vacancy to be elected not co-opted.  At around the same time the Clerk, Mrs Jennins, resigned and tomorrow, Thursday 31st July 2014 is her last day.

Then another two Councillors decided to resign; Cllrs Burt and Whitney.  No reason for any of the resignations has been stated.  The two vacancies have not been advertised because the Clerk is waiting for instructions on procedure.  I phoned the IWC yesterday and found that the Electoral Services Manage is on leave until tomorrow, the Clerk's last day.  The following is the actual print-out from the Freedom of Information system.

SPC FOI Requests Re Resignations by david5174

Update 1 -- A list of twenty-one signatories was handed to the Electoral Services Manager on Tuesday 22nd July.  These have been accepted and the 'Rule of 10' is now in progress - i.e. the vacancy will be filled following an election.  The matter is now in the hands of the Isle of Wight Council and will proceed according to statutory procedures.  I believe it'll be a public announcement, in the County Press, on the IWC website and, I imagine, on the local Shalfleet notice boards.  I will keep an eye-out and update you as soon as I hear anything. If you wish to chase or find out more (you have a perfect right) then I suggest you contact Mr Clive Joynes, Electoral Services Manager, at County Hall on 823380.  Mr Joynes and his team are very approachable and will no doubt assist.


A vacancy for a Councillor has arisen for Shalfleet Parish Council, dated 17th July 2014. The official webpage is here:- I have reproduced the document below.  It is hard to read but on my reproduction below, you can use the + and - buttons to zoom.

The Parish Council have chosen not to tell us why the vacancy has arisen.  Usually it is because an existing Councillor has resigned or not attended for a long period.  The Parish Council has chosen not to tell us which Councillor is standing-down.  If we do nothing, then electors can put themselves forward to the Council to be considered for 'co-option'. That choice is made by the existing Council so you will have no say whatsoever.

If ten people write to the address below and ask for an election then almost any elector in the Parish can stand for the Parish Council.  It costs nothing to do this. The benefit is that it will be a proper democratic choice, not an appointee of the Parish Council.

If you would like to do this, you need to do it to arrive before 6th August 2014.  If that's what you are going to do then do so without delay.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Summer Family Afternoon Sat 2nd Aug 1400-1700 Wellow Green

The Wellow Millennium Green Trust needs (modest) funds and help to keep going - cutting grass, etc. This fun-filled action-packed afternoon for all the family will take place on Saturday 2nd August starting at 2pm and finishing at 5pm.  Please do try to come and support this special local green -- use it or lose it!

We are very lucky to have the support of West Wight Sports Centre; the Wellow Millennium Green is hoped to be the first Outreach Centre for the WWSC and the team will be there on Saturday, heading-up the event, and looking forward to meeting you.

You'll see from the pages below that there is something for everyone and the family, from the 3-leggged race (takes me back!) to the Dad's race (or Granddad's Race in my case, how time flies!). All proceeds go to the upkeep of the Green through the Wellow Green Trust Fund. This is one of the Trusts founded by the Millennium Commission; for those interested see

Entry is just £3 on the gate or you can buy a programme for only £2, from local shops including the Village Shop at Shalfleet, or from Shalfleet or Yarmouth Schools. £2 FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR AN AFTERNOON'S ENTERTAINMENT?! Crikey! Next we'll tell you that a celebrity is coming...well, it might happen, but no promises yet, we don't want you to be disappointed.

Car parking is free. It is somewhat limited right by the Green but in only a hundred yards or so,  in the direction of Thorley, just past the Baptist Church,  there is a farm gate on your right hand side leading to a field belonging to Jill and Stephen Cowley, who have kindly made this available free of charge for the day. It's only a hundred yards from the Green. The pdf document you can see below can be downloaded and printed and/or emailed to friends, family and work colleagues. If you are on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, you can use the jpeg image in the link below (click) to attach to a tweet, etc. Let's make this a smashing day! Sandy and I can't make it because our daughter is getting married in Tunbridge Wells on the day.  It's a shame, we would have very much liked to have gone.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Change of Parish Council Meeting 9th July - now includes Public Meeting to discuss proposed Bouldnor Meads development and change of venue UPDATE

Change of Parish Council Meeting 9th July - now includes Public Meeting to discuss proposed Bouldnor Meads development and change of venue. From the Shalfleet Parish Council Website:

 "The Parish Council are holding a public meeting on Wednesday 9th July at 6.30pm at the Parish Office in Newbridge. The meeting is to discuss the recent planning application for dwellings behind Bouldnor Mead."

"Please note the change of venue for the July Parish Council meeting on 9th July, it is now at the Parish Office in Newbridge. The meeting will begin at 7.15pm as usual but there will be a public meeting from 6.30pm regarding the new planning application for a development behind Bouldnor Mead."