
Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The Blogger has come to Shalfleet!

Here's a nice comfy place to share news, views and information with others from the Parish of Shalfleet (on the beautiful Isle of Wight).  We'll be adding a list of information as soon as possible.  For those not familiar with 'blogging', the idea is that we post some kind of article or 'post' (this is one such) and anyone can add their comments.  On this blog anyone can write a short item, email it to the blog (will explain how later) and we will post it as a new item either under a pseudonym or your real name.

Groundrules:  This is a family-safe blog, please no bad language and no personal attacks.    We've set comments to 'unmoderated' which means that yours will appear instantly.  That means that if you post you take responsibility for what you write though if something inappropriate is drawn to our attention we'll remove it.  Commonsense really, but has to be said.

There are loads of people in our parish who have mobility problems and can't get out as often as they'd like to meet others and chat about local issues.  Many can manage basic email and simple browsing but think the 'blogosphere' is something from Star Trek.  If you know someone like that, can you spare a little time to help them set it up and learn to use it so they can join in too?

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