
Saturday, 19 December 2015

Shalfleet Parish Council Planning Meeting Tuesday 22nd December 2015 at 1000am

There is (yet another) pair of planning applications from West Wight Alpacas for the Shalfleet Parish Council to consider.  The Parish Council has, for the benefit of residents, kindly offered to hold a special planning meeting at the Parish Office Main Road, Newbridge, at 1000am on Tuesday 22nd December.  I am sure many of you will join me in thanking the councillors and clerk for taking out this time so close to Christmas and at such short notice.  This was dropped on the community of Wellow after previous applications had been submitted then withdrawn several times due to errors in their applications and on one occasion no reason given.  Several residents have said that these constant planning applications, drip-drip, are tantamount to harassment; there never seems to be a period when we don't have to look at what is being proposed by West Wight Alpacas Limited to change the character of the small hamlet of Wellow.  You can examine  the planning applications online on the Isle of Wight Council website at the following links (click on the underlined text):

TCP/30601/R, P/01214/15West Wight Alpacas land accessed off Main Road Wellow Yarmouth Isle Of Wight PO41Variation of conditions no.7 and 8 on P/01713/12 TCP/30601/H to allow opening hours of 1000 hours to 2300 hours Monday to Sunday including Bank and Public Holidays and to allow mixed use of existing farm shop as farm shop and cafe. (readvertised)

TCP/30601/S, P/01347/15West Wight Alpacas land accessed off Main Road Wellow Yarmouth Isle Of Wight PO41Formation of Vehicular Access (Revised scheme)

Below, I have embedded the official Parish noticeboard agenda and a scan of two letters written by locals, published in the County Press last week (Friday 18th December 2015).

At the previous Shalfleet Parish Council planning meeting held to discuss prior submissions for West Wight Alpacas' intentions  to open a licensed restaurant, apply for a zoo license with Dangerous Wild Animals License and a plan to grub-out a large section of hedgerow to bulldoze a new access into a field, the Chair of the Parish Council said that it would be useful if Wellow residents could form a Residents' Association.

I am pleased to inform you that several Wellow residents met last week to discuss the formation of a Residents Group and have formed the Wellow Residents' Group.  There are no subscriptions, no rules, no official memberships at this stage.  For the time being until residents can elect their own choice, Mrs Rosalind Neary JP of Lime Barn, Wellow is prepared to be acting chair and David Walter of Flowerburn Cottage is prepared to be acting secretary.   You can contact David at and/or Rosalind at  Membership of the WRG is automatic for all those on the electoral register at a Wellow address.  Unless and until the WRG has a formed constitution it is not a legal entity but does provide a focal point for the communication between Wellow residents and other bodies.  If you would like to be actively involved in the Wellow Residents' Group do please contact either Rosalind or David; you will be made most welcome!

Shalfleet Parish Council noticeboard copy of Planning Meeting on Tuesday 22nd December 2015

Letters from Mr Geoff Neary and Mr Jon Hall to the County Press published on 18th December 2015