
Saturday, 18 April 2015

Annual Parish Meeting Wednesday 22nd April 2015 Shalfleet Primary School, Ningwood 7.15pm

The Annual Parish Meeting is being held this coming Wednesday at the Shalfleet Church of England Primary School, Ningwood.  This is the school virtually opposite the Horse and Groom.  If parking is difficult there is a Parish-owned car park off the main road 50 metres PAST the Horse and Groom by the recycling bins.  For those coming from Bouldnor and Shalfleet village there is the No 7 bus that runs along the road every hour with a bus stop right outside the school.

The Annual Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council Meeting.  It is a public meeting.  You are free to ask questions from your Parish Councillors and your Ward Councillor (Stuart Hutchinson) and you are also free to state your views or raise any matter you like. I have embedded the agenda below.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Parish Council Meeting **Bouldnor Mead Housing Estate**

Update (2) -- Saturday 11th April 2103.  I have been uploading the two hours of video to YouTube via BT and it is only 16% complete.  Maybe they will be up by Monday if they don't drop out first.   Wight Fibre didn't do as they promised and my upload speed is practically zero.  So those of you waiting for BT Rural Broadband (paid for by the Government from taxpayers' money) and tempted to use Wight Fibre....hmmmm.

Update:  Parish Council votes to approve the Bouldnor Estate.  I have the entire Parish Council meeting on video but cannot upload it until Wight Fibre fix my Internet which has been running at a ridiculously slow speed for over a month.  The have promised to fix it tomorrow.  We shall see.  Regarding the decision the Councillors didn't seem to take into account the fact that the Shalfleet housing estate - Warlands Lane - was approved by the IWC Planning Committee a fortnight ago.  What are they trying to do to the Parish of Shalfleet?  The Late Sir John Betjeman would've penned a verse, maybe?

Come, friendly bombs, and fall on Slough!
It isn't fit for humans now,
There isn't grass to graze a cow.
Swarm over, Death!

Wednesday 8th April 2015 -- Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting to be held at 1000am  1000 am at Shalfleet Village Hall.  Please see the Agenda below.   In particular the planning application for a 22 'unit' housing estate and Abbeyfield home for the elderly will be discussed.

If you are concerned and have views either way, you should get out of your 'unit' and go to the meeting!  I shall be taking a video of the meeting which I will embed here, for those who cannot get to the meeting.

I'm asking a question about the Millennium Green and the destruction of the hedge.  Residents have mentioned to me their concerns about the speed of traffic through Wellow and the need for some kind of action be that calming, signing, or whatever.  We are, of course, still waiting for an answer to the question going back to January about two Parish Councillors going on a publicly-funded First Aid course at Residents' expense.  You will also see that there is a queue of charities wanting money from the Parish Council (you and me).  Obviously it was a mistake to increase the precept beyond the inflation level!!   My personal view is that the precept (which actually means "demand") is for necessary services in the Parish, not some kind of charitable foundation.  I'm asking about the Millennium Green and we are generally only allowed one question per person so anyone interested in any other issues should come along and ask.  I believe you can ask a question on the day now instead of giving written notice.

Things have certainly improved a great deal on the Parish Council since last Autumn's election. It's far more transparent and is easier for Residents to engage.  Of course our new Clerk, Sally Woods, has also been part of the change.  It's nice to see things getting better when elsewhere in Local Government things seem to be going from bad to dire! 

Do try to get out of your unit and take part in the meeting!