Affordable Housing. The legal definition of 'Affordable Housing' after is contained in the National Planning Policy Framework March 2012. This isn't a discussion point; Gov.Uk's 'Definition of General Housing Terms' directs to the NPPF and the relevant para is:
National Planning Policy Framework March 2012
Note the term: "Private Registered Providers". Spectrum Housing is a 'Registered Provider" in this context and there are other Providers but none has been identified by the applicant. I am told by someone with knowledge of the history that Spectrum have declined this development because they feel it is unsuitable. Unless a Registered Provider is involved then the Planning Permission would not cover the development. The term 'rented' can apply even to 'purchased' property. Usually there is some element of lease or rental in the sale agreement for services or shared ownership of the land in these kind of developments. Unlike developments in the past, a trust does not get around the problem if the housing is to be 'Affordable' as defined in the planning legislation.
If the bulldozers roll-in the Isle of Wight Council can be called upon (ho ho) to enforce (ha ha) the terms of the Planning Condition. Please enjoy the YouTube video. It lasts 1hr 20mins but I think most locals will want to sit through it. Why was it given approval? The Planning Committee is judged on the number of decisions made against Officers' recommendations. If they reject too many then questions are asked and it opens the door for a reversal by the Planning Inspector.
Furthermore, the previous application (Brighstone) was rejected against Officers' recommendations and the whole gallery was packed with residents who expressed their views so vocally from the gallery that the Chair, Cllr Baker-Smith, had to threaten to clear the gallery. It sent a clear message of deep public feeling against that development to the Members. Shalfleet, however, sent just Cllr Pam Broadhead (Chair Shalfleet Parish Council) and one other resident, Mr Richard Steel of Fleetway, Shalfleet.
So, dear residents of Shalfleet, if you didn't want that approval -- a view you expressed so clearly at the recent public meeting -- you only have yourselves to blame for not going down to the Planning Committee and lobbying your Parish, Ward and County Councillors. Democracy only works for you when you express your wishes. If you don't express your wishes you'll end up with something that someone else wanted, not the thing you wanted.