There is (yet another) pair of planning applications from West Wight Alpacas for the Shalfleet Parish Council to consider. The Parish Council has, for the benefit of residents, kindly offered to hold a special planning meeting at the Parish Office Main Road, Newbridge, at 1000am on Tuesday 22nd December. I am sure many of you will join me in thanking the councillors and clerk for taking out this time so close to Christmas and at such short notice. This was dropped on the community of Wellow after previous applications had been submitted then withdrawn several times due to errors in their applications and on one occasion no reason given. Several residents have said that these constant planning applications, drip-drip, are tantamount to harassment; there never seems to be a period when we don't have to look at what is being proposed by West Wight Alpacas Limited to change the character of the small hamlet of Wellow. You can examine the planning applications online on the Isle of Wight Council website at the following links (click on the underlined text):
TCP/30601/R, P/01214/15West Wight Alpacas land accessed off Main Road Wellow Yarmouth Isle Of Wight PO41Variation of conditions no.7 and 8 on P/01713/12 TCP/30601/H to allow opening hours of 1000 hours to 2300 hours Monday to Sunday including Bank and Public Holidays and to allow mixed use of existing farm shop as farm shop and cafe. (readvertised)
TCP/30601/S, P/01347/15West Wight Alpacas land accessed off Main Road Wellow Yarmouth Isle Of Wight PO41Formation of Vehicular Access (Revised scheme)
Below, I have embedded the official Parish noticeboard agenda and a scan of two letters written by locals, published in the County Press last week (Friday 18th December 2015).
At the previous Shalfleet Parish Council planning meeting held to discuss prior submissions for West Wight Alpacas' intentions to open a licensed restaurant, apply for a zoo license with Dangerous Wild Animals License and a plan to grub-out a large section of hedgerow to bulldoze a new access into a field, the Chair of the Parish Council said that it would be useful if Wellow residents could form a Residents' Association.
I am pleased to inform you that several Wellow residents met last week to discuss the formation of a Residents Group and have formed the Wellow Residents' Group. There are no subscriptions, no rules, no official memberships at this stage. For the time being until residents can elect their own choice, Mrs Rosalind Neary JP of Lime Barn, Wellow is prepared to be acting chair and David Walter of Flowerburn Cottage is prepared to be acting secretary. You can contact David at and/or Rosalind at Membership of the WRG is automatic for all those on the electoral register at a Wellow address. Unless and until the WRG has a formed constitution it is not a legal entity but does provide a focal point for the communication between Wellow residents and other bodies. If you would like to be actively involved in the Wellow Residents' Group do please contact either Rosalind or David; you will be made most welcome!
Shalfleet Parish Council noticeboard copy of Planning Meeting on Tuesday 22nd December 2015
Letters from Mr Geoff Neary and Mr Jon Hall to the County Press published on 18th December 2015
Local Blog: Local Issues in and around Shalfleet and the West Wight
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting Wednesday December 2nd NOTE: 0930am at Shalfleet Hall
The December 2015 Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting is to be held at the EARLY TIME of 0930am at Shalfleet Hall (Shalfleet Hall is the recently-refurbished hall behind Shalfleet Village. Several people have commented why we have the parish council meeting at such a time on a work-day when anyone who is working, taking children to school or minding family is going to have trouble being there.
I have re-posted the agenda below. Please note that West Wight Alpacas have now re-submitted their application to remove conditions of use that were originally stipulated by the Planning Department to reduce the impact on the hamlet of Wellow. West Wight Alpacas are asking for permission to open from 1000am to 2300pm 365 days per year and to change the defined usage from A1 (shop/café) to A3, which is a full restaurant. The Government Planning Portal shows the definitions here: On 3rd October West Wight Alpacas invited locals to listen to their plans and Mr Payne, the owner, stated that "We are going to apply for a (alcohol) license....we are considering a conservatory style extension to get another sixteen covers .... and a Pompeii pizza oven with a DEFRA approved chimney...."
This application to vary the conditions is to change the USAGE (from A1 to A3) which would usually require full planning consent; they are planning to up-scale and upgrade from a café incidental to alpacas to a licensed restaurant free to open from 1000 to 2300 365 days a year. You can see the planning application on the IWC website at
I have re-posted the agenda below. Please note that West Wight Alpacas have now re-submitted their application to remove conditions of use that were originally stipulated by the Planning Department to reduce the impact on the hamlet of Wellow. West Wight Alpacas are asking for permission to open from 1000am to 2300pm 365 days per year and to change the defined usage from A1 (shop/café) to A3, which is a full restaurant. The Government Planning Portal shows the definitions here: On 3rd October West Wight Alpacas invited locals to listen to their plans and Mr Payne, the owner, stated that "We are going to apply for a (alcohol) license....we are considering a conservatory style extension to get another sixteen covers .... and a Pompeii pizza oven with a DEFRA approved chimney...."
This application to vary the conditions is to change the USAGE (from A1 to A3) which would usually require full planning consent; they are planning to up-scale and upgrade from a café incidental to alpacas to a licensed restaurant free to open from 1000 to 2300 365 days a year. You can see the planning application on the IWC website at
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 11th November, Parish Office **Warlands Lane Masts Planning Application**
Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting -- Planning Application for mobile phone masts, Shalfleet
Please note the new planning application for mobile phone masts at Homestead Farm. It is planning application P/01199/15 click here to view
I had earlier posted here that this planning application is an alteration to a recently approved application. I am indebted to a local resident who has pointed out that the tower, subject of this planning application, has been in place for some time and is not connected with the solar farm control tower. I apologise for the misinformation and for suggesting that the developers or LPA were trying to sneak a change to the application that was approved recently.
There remains of course the question of the visual amenity and the concerns of residents about health risks of mobile phone radio installations.
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Developments at Wellow Alpaca Farm Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 14th October 2015
Major Developments at Wellow Alpaca Farm
West Wight Alpacas held an open hour for local residents last Saturday. A member of the public recorded the meeting and it is available for public listening
Among plans announced were their plan to build a house (despite having only temporary planning consent for their caravans), a liquor license, opening till late at night year-round, a conservatory to turn their café into a proper licensed restaurant, camels (under a zoo license and Dangerous Wild Animals License), 'Shepherds' Huts', a kind of posh camping, presumably with showers, toilets, access, parking, etc. They are planning to sell their land opposite the Baptist Chapel/Mattingley Farm after applying for a large vehicular entrance. The company is expecting to get more than the agricultural value for the land which, they say, has development potential as a housing estate. When asked what steps they were taking to mitigate the effect on the local community, we were told, in essence, that life moves forward and we mustn't stand in the way of their financial progress. The owners confirmed that they have no long-term plan to remain in our community but they plan to sell up and move 'somewhere warmer maybe the South of France' when they have enough money from the sale of the land in Wellow presumably.
Meanwhile, a herd of rheas has arrived at the alpaca farm. Rheas belong to a family called 'ratites' which includes ostriches, rheas and emus. Residents might like to read the rules about the keeping of rheas because, amongst other facts, it states:-
The fences should have a minimum height of 1,50 m for young rheas (4-5 months) and 170 cm for adults.
Ratite farming should not be undertaken lightly and that anyone farming them has to be certain that they are able and willing to devote the finance and time needed to ensure the birds' health and welfare;
The current high morbidity and mortality in many ratites sites compared with domesticated farm animal species and considering the fact that ratites, as not domesticated but still principally wild animals, are extremely susceptible to stress, prevention of stress in the animals by fulfilling their natural health and behaviour requirements is of the utmost importance;
Aware that the basic requirements for the health and welfare of livestock consist of good stockmanship, husbandry systems appropriate to the biological needs of the animals, and suitable environmental factors, so that the conditions under which ratites are kept fulfil the need for appropriate nutrition and methods of feeding, freedom of movement, physical comfort, the need to perform normal behaviour and the need for protection against adverse climatic conditions, attack by predators, injury, infestation and disease or behavioural disorder, as well as other essential needs as may be identified by established experience or scientific knowledge;
Concerned by the fact that the scientific knowledge and practical experience of keeping ratites under European conditions are limited and that therefore there is a great risk that producers attempt to introduce husbandry methods which are not suitable for the health and welfare of ratites;
Bearing in mind that the environment and management have to fulfil the animal's biological needs rather than trying to "adapt" the animals to the environment by procedures such as mutilations;
1. Those who handle ratites must be familiar with their behaviour and be competent in their handling and management. They must be aware of the signs of disease or stress. This competence shall be assessed by a body in accordance with national legislation.
2. Prior to birds' arrival on a newly established farm a substantial period of training including practical experience is necessary for those who will handle ratites. Training shall include items listed in Appendix 1. Continued training is considered essential.
3. The possibility of official authorisation should be considered prior to setting up a farm for ratites.
Warning notices about the danger to birds of disturbance or of objects thrown into the enclosure and the danger to people who might enter the enclosure shall be placed in prominent places outside the enclosures.
The next Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting will be held at the Wellow Institute, at 7.15pm on Wednesday 14th October 2015.
I have embedded the agenda at the bottom of this post. The only items I can see that are a little out of the routine are:
Shalfleet Service Station. This site has caused concern to many local residents. I strongly suggest that those who have strong views either way should attend the Parish Council Meeting and voice their views. It DOES work. If people turn up to express their point of view councillors are influenced -- and quite rightly so, in a democracy!
Applications for grant funds from the Parish precept. In this time of cuts it's understandable that local voluntary organisations will try to raise funds from any available source including the Parish Council. The councillors need to look very carefully at where the precept is being spent. What is happening by stealth is that the ratepayer will be paying, via the un-capped Parish precept for things the County Council can't afford (the CC cannot raise rates by more than 2% without a referendum). That's fine as long as that's what the Parishioners want because it's the Parishioners who will be paying, not the councillors!
New information board outside the Horse and Groom. Physical information boards are becoming rather pointless for most people. We don't know when a notice is posted and few people would want to stop on that dangerous stretch of road just to read the information. Is it a good spend of Parish money? If there are funds available, how about a Parish e-mailing list to inform Parishioners immediately new information becomes available, or extraordinary meetings have been called. MailChimp is one of several commercial platforms. MC is free for very small lists such as this blog's list but unlimited for larger organisations. IWALC might be able to advise?
West Wight Alpacas held an open hour for local residents last Saturday. A member of the public recorded the meeting and it is available for public listening
Among plans announced were their plan to build a house (despite having only temporary planning consent for their caravans), a liquor license, opening till late at night year-round, a conservatory to turn their café into a proper licensed restaurant, camels (under a zoo license and Dangerous Wild Animals License), 'Shepherds' Huts', a kind of posh camping, presumably with showers, toilets, access, parking, etc. They are planning to sell their land opposite the Baptist Chapel/Mattingley Farm after applying for a large vehicular entrance. The company is expecting to get more than the agricultural value for the land which, they say, has development potential as a housing estate. When asked what steps they were taking to mitigate the effect on the local community, we were told, in essence, that life moves forward and we mustn't stand in the way of their financial progress. The owners confirmed that they have no long-term plan to remain in our community but they plan to sell up and move 'somewhere warmer maybe the South of France' when they have enough money from the sale of the land in Wellow presumably.
Meanwhile, a herd of rheas has arrived at the alpaca farm. Rheas belong to a family called 'ratites' which includes ostriches, rheas and emus. Residents might like to read the rules about the keeping of rheas because, amongst other facts, it states:-
The fences should have a minimum height of 1,50 m for young rheas (4-5 months) and 170 cm for adults.
Ratite farming should not be undertaken lightly and that anyone farming them has to be certain that they are able and willing to devote the finance and time needed to ensure the birds' health and welfare;
The current high morbidity and mortality in many ratites sites compared with domesticated farm animal species and considering the fact that ratites, as not domesticated but still principally wild animals, are extremely susceptible to stress, prevention of stress in the animals by fulfilling their natural health and behaviour requirements is of the utmost importance;
Aware that the basic requirements for the health and welfare of livestock consist of good stockmanship, husbandry systems appropriate to the biological needs of the animals, and suitable environmental factors, so that the conditions under which ratites are kept fulfil the need for appropriate nutrition and methods of feeding, freedom of movement, physical comfort, the need to perform normal behaviour and the need for protection against adverse climatic conditions, attack by predators, injury, infestation and disease or behavioural disorder, as well as other essential needs as may be identified by established experience or scientific knowledge;
Concerned by the fact that the scientific knowledge and practical experience of keeping ratites under European conditions are limited and that therefore there is a great risk that producers attempt to introduce husbandry methods which are not suitable for the health and welfare of ratites;
Bearing in mind that the environment and management have to fulfil the animal's biological needs rather than trying to "adapt" the animals to the environment by procedures such as mutilations;
1. Those who handle ratites must be familiar with their behaviour and be competent in their handling and management. They must be aware of the signs of disease or stress. This competence shall be assessed by a body in accordance with national legislation.
2. Prior to birds' arrival on a newly established farm a substantial period of training including practical experience is necessary for those who will handle ratites. Training shall include items listed in Appendix 1. Continued training is considered essential.
3. The possibility of official authorisation should be considered prior to setting up a farm for ratites.
Warning notices about the danger to birds of disturbance or of objects thrown into the enclosure and the danger to people who might enter the enclosure shall be placed in prominent places outside the enclosures.
The next Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting will be held at the Wellow Institute, at 7.15pm on Wednesday 14th October 2015.
I have embedded the agenda at the bottom of this post. The only items I can see that are a little out of the routine are:
Shalfleet Service Station. This site has caused concern to many local residents. I strongly suggest that those who have strong views either way should attend the Parish Council Meeting and voice their views. It DOES work. If people turn up to express their point of view councillors are influenced -- and quite rightly so, in a democracy!
Applications for grant funds from the Parish precept. In this time of cuts it's understandable that local voluntary organisations will try to raise funds from any available source including the Parish Council. The councillors need to look very carefully at where the precept is being spent. What is happening by stealth is that the ratepayer will be paying, via the un-capped Parish precept for things the County Council can't afford (the CC cannot raise rates by more than 2% without a referendum). That's fine as long as that's what the Parishioners want because it's the Parishioners who will be paying, not the councillors!
New information board outside the Horse and Groom. Physical information boards are becoming rather pointless for most people. We don't know when a notice is posted and few people would want to stop on that dangerous stretch of road just to read the information. Is it a good spend of Parish money? If there are funds available, how about a Parish e-mailing list to inform Parishioners immediately new information becomes available, or extraordinary meetings have been called. MailChimp is one of several commercial platforms. MC is free for very small lists such as this blog's list but unlimited for larger organisations. IWALC might be able to advise?
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Wellow Alpacas ask planning to remove condition on opening hours so they can trade 10am to 11pm 365 days per year and removal of hedgerow to construct concrete vehicle access
Just weeks after the Isle of Wight Planning Department overturned the Planning Inspector's decision not to allow residential use of the agricultural land belong to West Wight Alpacas in Wellow, the company has submitted two new planning applications seeking to increase their activity in scope and hours, asking for opening hours of 10am to 11pm 365 days a year.
A Planning Meeting has been called by Shalfleet Parish Council for Wednesday 30th September 2015 at the Parish Office, Newbridge, 7.15pm public welcome to speak. The meeting is to discuss the two planning applications submitted by West Wight Alpacas to remove restrictions on their opening hours and to construct a concrete access and apron on the agricultural field directly opposite Weald House.
Residents said last night that they "feared the worst" since West Wight Alpacas announced their intention to build a modular housing estate on this land, in August 2013. See County Press "Modular homes idea for parish's young people" County Press August 10th 2013. One resident told the Blog "They already have access to this field from their main holding at the south side of the plot and this planning application is for a large entrance with hard standing that could not be justified for agricultural use alone. They don't say what they want to do with the field but with an entrance like that it isn't going to be just agricultural use, surely?"
Other residents living closer to the farm shop told the Blog that they were already troubled by cooking smells, noise, traffic and vehicle headlights shining directly into their property and that any increase on the present permitted opening hours (10 am to 5.30pm) would "destroy the peace and rural nature of the hamlet".
The location of the Isle of Wight Council planning webpages for these applications are on the council website and embedded in the Blog below, for your convenience. If you wish to make a formal comment about these applications direct to the council you can do so at:
TCP/30601/M, P/01050/15 Variation of condition no. 8 on P/01713/12 TCP/30601/H to allow opening hours of 1000 hours to 2300 hours Monday to Sunday including Bank and Public Holidays
TCP/30601/N, P/01051/15 Formation of vehicular access
A Planning Meeting has been called by Shalfleet Parish Council for Wednesday 30th September 2015 at the Parish Office, Newbridge, 7.15pm public welcome to speak. The meeting is to discuss the two planning applications submitted by West Wight Alpacas to remove restrictions on their opening hours and to construct a concrete access and apron on the agricultural field directly opposite Weald House.
Residents said last night that they "feared the worst" since West Wight Alpacas announced their intention to build a modular housing estate on this land, in August 2013. See County Press "Modular homes idea for parish's young people" County Press August 10th 2013. One resident told the Blog "They already have access to this field from their main holding at the south side of the plot and this planning application is for a large entrance with hard standing that could not be justified for agricultural use alone. They don't say what they want to do with the field but with an entrance like that it isn't going to be just agricultural use, surely?"
Other residents living closer to the farm shop told the Blog that they were already troubled by cooking smells, noise, traffic and vehicle headlights shining directly into their property and that any increase on the present permitted opening hours (10 am to 5.30pm) would "destroy the peace and rural nature of the hamlet".
The location of the Isle of Wight Council planning webpages for these applications are on the council website and embedded in the Blog below, for your convenience. If you wish to make a formal comment about these applications direct to the council you can do so at:
TCP/30601/M, P/01050/15 Variation of condition no. 8 on P/01713/12 TCP/30601/H to allow opening hours of 1000 hours to 2300 hours Monday to Sunday including Bank and Public Holidays
TCP/30601/N, P/01051/15 Formation of vehicular access
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting September 9th 2015
Again we had a very disappointing turnout of councillors. Present: Cllrs Hewston (dep Chair acting Chair), Baxandall and McGuirk were present with Mrs Woods, Clerk.
Clare Griffin, Manager of the West Wight Sports Centre briefed those present on some of the activities. You can listen to that in the first half hour in the audio embedded below. You can easily download the audio as an MP3 to play on your phone, tablet or other player like a podcast. There's no copyright so no need to's intuitive on the embedded player. Sadly someone cast a spell on my video camera and it is very poorly. I'll either replace it or mend it in due course but meanwhile I'm afraid we are stuck with just audio! One person commented that the last audio I posted was a bit too quiet. Comments, please.
Mrs Griffin also briefed us about a special day at Yarmouth on Saturday. The details are below. Do please try to come; the weather forecast looks good and lots of effort as well as cost goes into making the event a great day so do please try to support it.
Clare Griffin, Manager of the West Wight Sports Centre briefed those present on some of the activities. You can listen to that in the first half hour in the audio embedded below. You can easily download the audio as an MP3 to play on your phone, tablet or other player like a podcast. There's no copyright so no need to's intuitive on the embedded player. Sadly someone cast a spell on my video camera and it is very poorly. I'll either replace it or mend it in due course but meanwhile I'm afraid we are stuck with just audio! One person commented that the last audio I posted was a bit too quiet. Comments, please.
AUDIO 1: THE FIRST 30 MINS, West Wight Sports Centre and related matters
Mrs Griffin also briefed us about a special day at Yarmouth on Saturday. The details are below. Do please try to come; the weather forecast looks good and lots of effort as well as cost goes into making the event a great day so do please try to support it.
The Parish Council Meeting proceeded with the agenda. Click HERE to open up that post in a new tab. The agenda is embedded down at the bottom of the page. You can listen to the whole proceedings on the embedded audio below. Again, you can download it like a podcast if you wish. The item which had the most general interest was the Homestead Solar Park planning application. The Parish Council objected to it on the grounds that a) At is overbearing and was not demonstrated to be essential for the solar park to be completed and commissioned. b) Residents explained in some detail health concerns about the radio towers and their proximity to the population.
AUDIO 2: The main meeting
Friday, 4 September 2015
Parish Council Meeting this Wednesday 9th September 2015 7.15pm at Shalfleet School
There is the scheduled Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting this coming Wednesday 9th September 2015 at 7.15pm, at Shalfleet School. I have embedded the agenda below, which you can print out and and view full-page.
There are two planning applications before the Parish Council this time. The first is a householder application but the second is commercial, a 20m tower off Warlands Lane.
P/00968/15 – Barnfield Farm, Main Road, Ningwood: Single Storey extension on east elevation; alterations.
P/00965/15 – Land at Homestead Farm, Caulbourne Lane and, land at Lower Dodpits Farm, Warlands Lane, Ningwood – Proposed RF connectivity lattice tower (19.9m); 2 x 600mm associated dishes; additional equipment cabinet (revised description)(re-advertised application).
If you are searching for these on the council website note that there are two applications each with different dates for comments but with identical application numbers. I'm confused. The application says that it is part of the solar farm. This is, I believe, within the AONB.
To give some idea of size 20m is about a dozen six-foot men standing on each others' shoulders.
There are two planning applications before the Parish Council this time. The first is a householder application but the second is commercial, a 20m tower off Warlands Lane.
P/00968/15 – Barnfield Farm, Main Road, Ningwood: Single Storey extension on east elevation; alterations.
P/00965/15 – Land at Homestead Farm, Caulbourne Lane and, land at Lower Dodpits Farm, Warlands Lane, Ningwood – Proposed RF connectivity lattice tower (19.9m); 2 x 600mm associated dishes; additional equipment cabinet (revised description)(re-advertised application).
If you are searching for these on the council website note that there are two applications each with different dates for comments but with identical application numbers. I'm confused. The application says that it is part of the solar farm. This is, I believe, within the AONB.
To give some idea of size 20m is about a dozen six-foot men standing on each others' shoulders.
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Shalfleet Parish Council votes unanimously at Extraordinary General Meeting to subsidise local buses
A surprise Extraordinary General Meeting was called last week, held on Tuesday 18th August 2015 to approve a motion from Cllr Pamela Myles that the Parish Council should subsidise local buses for children, to be paid for out of the precept (i.e. the cost is added to Council Tax payers' Council Tax). The motion was approved 'unanimously' although Cllrs John McGuirk, Brenda Baxandall and Steve French had given apologies for absence. Audio recording of the meeting at the bottom of this page.
It was stated that Cllr Hewston had carried out a public consultation. The Blog can find no such consultation on the Parish website or notice boards. There were some boards shown at the Wellow Fête held on 8th August but there is no mention of bus services or subsidising them. In any case these boards did not have the appearance of being for serious consultation.

Parish Council Meeting full recording is on the embedded player below. The section concerning the bus subsidy is for the first 20 minutes.
It was stated that Cllr Hewston had carried out a public consultation. The Blog can find no such consultation on the Parish website or notice boards. There were some boards shown at the Wellow Fête held on 8th August but there is no mention of bus services or subsidising them. In any case these boards did not have the appearance of being for serious consultation.
Parish Council Meeting full recording is on the embedded player below. The section concerning the bus subsidy is for the first 20 minutes.
Thursday, 13 August 2015
EGM called by Shalfleet Parish Council Tuesday 18th August 2015 at Parish Office Newbridge, 1000
Shalfleet Parish Council have called an Extraordinary General Meeting for this coming Tuesday 18th August 2015 at 1000 in the morning. The two agenda items are:
1. For the Parish Council to subsidise childrens' bus services from Parish villages to Freshwater and Yarmouth (see agenda embedded below)
2. For the Parish Council to purchase an information board to be positioned at Bouldnor (see agenda embedded below)
1. For the Parish Council to subsidise childrens' bus services from Parish villages to Freshwater and Yarmouth (see agenda embedded below)
2. For the Parish Council to purchase an information board to be positioned at Bouldnor (see agenda embedded below)
Saturday, 25 July 2015
Wellow Alpaca Farm: Council Planning Committee overrules Planning Inspectorate
Wellow Alpaca Farm: Council Planning Committee overrules Planning Inspectorate
The alpaca farm in Wellow is in the County Press again this week after the Isle of Wight Council's Planning Department and the Planning Committee unilaterally overturned a decision made by the Planning Inspectorate in November 2013 by granting permission for Mr and Mrs Payne and their dependants to live on agricultural land, in their mobile home. Local residents and Shalfleet Parish Council had opposed a planning application by property developers Mr and Mrs Neil Payne to continue to live with their family in their mobile home on agricultural land in Wellow. Mr and Mrs Payne installed a mobile home on agricultural land and proceeded to live in it with their family without planning consent, in 2011.
In August 2013, Mr Payne published his plans to build a modular "affordable" housing estate on agricultural land near to the Wellow Millennium Green without consent and without consulting local residents or the Parish Council.
In her Decision Statement the Planning Inspector, Ms Suki Tamplin, said "The appellants [Mr and Mrs Payne] said that the enterprise would not be able to fund the purchase or the rental of an off-site house, but the evidence suggested that have used their own private funds and have other business interests". "I am not convinced that the purchase or rental of existing accommodation close to the appeal site is not feasible".
"The picture presented by the appellants is that they have not taken up opportunities for off-site housing because they would prefer to live on-site. "
"This does not demonstrate that funding priority has been given to obtaining accessible living accommodation and undermines their claim that living on-site is essential. It seems to me, on balance, that the special circumstances required by the Framework in terms of an essential need for a rural worker to live permanently on-site to ensure the welfare of the alpacas have not been demonstrated.
Accordingly, I consider that a constant on-site presence would not be justified." "I have found that there is no demonstrable essential need for a rural worker to live on-site all year round. I thus conclude that there is insufficient agricultural justification, or essential and permanent need to justify the siting of a temporary dwelling in the countryside. The essential ongoing needs of the alpaca enterprise do not outweigh the aims of policies seeking to limit development to defined settlements. An on-site caravan would significantly and demonstrably harm the aims of sustainable development policies. Therefore the appeal is dismissed."
The objectors are taking legal advice.
Friday, 17 July 2015
West Wight Alpacas, Wellow - Planning Application for continued use of mobile homes as family accommodation
Please note that West Wight Alpacas' Planning Application for continued use of their mobile home to house their family on their agricultural land in Wellow is to be heard this coming Tuesday 21st July at 1600 at County Hall, Newport. All members of the public are welcome to attend. I shall be speaking against the application -- I have been allocated 3 minutes to make the case against the application.
You will see that the Planning Officer is now recommending the application for approval. I am embedding some information here on the blog. If anyone would like to discuss points for me to include in my presentation please contact me at or phone me (I don't post my phone number on the Internet; most of you already have it, it ends in xxx763
Above is the link to the IWC website with all the documents related to this latest application.
You will see that the Planning Officer is now recommending the application for approval. I am embedding some information here on the blog. If anyone would like to discuss points for me to include in my presentation please contact me at or phone me (I don't post my phone number on the Internet; most of you already have it, it ends in xxx763
Above is the link to the IWC website with all the documents related to this latest application.
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 10th June 1915 at the Newbridge Parish Office
There's some fairly important stuff on this month's Shalfleet Parish Council agenda (embedded below). Whatever your view on things I do urge you to read the agenda and please read what I have to say. Try to come along - I shall be filming the meeting but nothing beats you coming along. There's a question time of up to 30 minutes at the start of the meeting so you can ask questions of the Parish Councillors before the meeting.
The things I wish to highlight are the Planning Application on Bartons Corner which I discussed in an earlier post HERE then there's the item about sticky speed labels for everyones' wheelie bins and finally the Resolution to adopt a General Power of Competence. It's not possible for me to comment on the other matters where the background information has only been circulated to Councillors though I think that a revision of Financial Regulations for the Parish Council and the Financial Accounts are very much a matter of public interest and the information should be in the public domain.
The things I wish to highlight are the Planning Application on Bartons Corner which I discussed in an earlier post HERE then there's the item about sticky speed labels for everyones' wheelie bins and finally the Resolution to adopt a General Power of Competence. It's not possible for me to comment on the other matters where the background information has only been circulated to Councillors though I think that a revision of Financial Regulations for the Parish Council and the Financial Accounts are very much a matter of public interest and the information should be in the public domain.
42/15-16 Wheelie Bin Stickers For the benefit of those who haven't attended previous PC meetings, NANSAG (Ningwood and Newbridge (road) Safety Action Group), a group headed by Cllr Helena Hewson and Mrs Shirley Stables, have proposed that residents put 30 MPH stickers on their wheelie bins so when they are put out every fortnight it reminds car drivers that there is a speed limit. It was pointed out that the bins only go out once a fortnight and then only for a few hours but NANSAG say that this adds to the impact of the campaign. I don't know whether there is any evidence for this. You will see from the agenda that they have found three prices and they say 500 labels are required for the almost 500 residents in 30 MPH areas. The cheapest price is £333 for 500 labels and the most expensive is £1600. Doesn't state whether this is including VAT which can be reclaimed and the agenda gives no idea of size, quality, UV and weather stability, compatibility with the bin plastic and how you remove them when they get very tatty (which presumably they will).
Are these to be mandatory? Will residents be required to buy them? At cost price? One or two per bin? Is 500 enough? If voluntary have we carried out any survey about how many families would put one/two on their bins? In our home the bin must be on the splay. Signs would be pointless; no driver would ever see them and if we turned the bin so they could, it could trundle down the slope into the road. I think the same is true for many. Others might simply be against the idea.
Is this really the best use of around 1% of our whole annual precept especially so early in the financial year? We, and those we've spoken to, would very much like to have speed reduced in the 30 MPH areas but is this proposal worthwhile?
45/15-16 To Adopt the General
Power of Competence: This is a very concerning proposal. It would give the Parish Council the authority to enter into agreements with third parties (contracts) over many years very possibly on complex financial terms. Despite the claim on the agenda (above) that we qualify I don't believe we have anything like the skills, resources and competence to enter into such agreements. I urge our Parish Council to simply acknowledge the future possibility and defer any future adoption of a GPC until some scheme is actually on the table and needs the power of a GPC which can then be discussed in public after appropriate public consultation.
The research that I have done (below) suggests that this scheme, which came in with the Localism Act, was really intended for County and Unitary Councils and maybe larger Town Councils (Ryde or Newport, for example). Shalfleet Parish Council has a precept of just £30,000, just one part-time qualified employee (our present Clerk is qualified but not all Clerks are) and not one single Parish Councillor with the declared appropriate qualifications. I remind those who were present just what a huge issue they made out of giving Holy Bibles to the school (last meeting, video and report HERE). The idea of granting these powers not just to the present SPC but also to all future SPCs with who-knows-whom will be the Clerk or the Councillors is very concerning.
Please read the documents below carefully -- or if you haven't got the time, even skim-read them and make your views clear to the SPC. At least please read the first one below and if in doubt watch the video of the last meeting HERE.
GPC Essay 2012 - FINAL VERSION - 'Power to Make a Difference' by david5174
The General Power of Competence - Empowering Councils to Make a Difference by david5174
Empowering Councils to Make a Difference - Annex Case Studies - Councils Using the General Power of Compete... by david5174
Monday, 1 June 2015
Barton Corner (Shalfleet, was 'Deli Café) Planning application
Following comments at Parish Council Meetings the unsightly mess on Barton Corner (Shalfleet) is now the subject of a Planning Application. The Applicant is saying that some of the aspects of his proposal don't actually need planning consent. According to the Planning Statement (embedded below) there is a difference of opinion between the Applicant and the IWC Planning Department.
I'm not researched this in detail but some observations immediately come to mind:
1. Alpaca breeding: In Wellow, West Wight Alpacas are arguing that they need to live on-site to look after breeding alpacas. At the time of writing their argument was turned down by the Planning Inspector (on appeal) and they have another almost identical application in with Planning awaiting a hearing at the Planning Committee to argue their case again. If the IWC accepts that breeding alpacas require an agricultural worker to live on-site (in the case of West Wight Alpacas they are asking for their whole family of five to live on-site on agricultural land) then a precedent has been set within Shalfleet Parish. There might well be an application for a house or houses to be built on Barton Corner.
2. Vermiculture: The embedded Planning Statement states that they will use common blue-nosed worms. According to my research, these are not appropriate for vermiculture. The worms that are used in vermiculture are not native and can have environmental consequences if released into the environment. The worms need a feed-stock. This can be waste that attracts flies. From my research, the proposal as outlined in the Planning Statement doesn't make sense.
I imagine this will be on the next Parish Council Meeting Agenda on Wednesday 10th June at 7.15pm at the Newbridge Parish Office. You can do your own research from the IWC website at You can leave your comments for the Planning Department on that same site but probably best to wait until after the Parish Council Meeting. I plan to video the Parish Council Meeting so if you are unable to get to the meeting, I will publish the video onto the blog.
I'm not researched this in detail but some observations immediately come to mind:
1. Alpaca breeding: In Wellow, West Wight Alpacas are arguing that they need to live on-site to look after breeding alpacas. At the time of writing their argument was turned down by the Planning Inspector (on appeal) and they have another almost identical application in with Planning awaiting a hearing at the Planning Committee to argue their case again. If the IWC accepts that breeding alpacas require an agricultural worker to live on-site (in the case of West Wight Alpacas they are asking for their whole family of five to live on-site on agricultural land) then a precedent has been set within Shalfleet Parish. There might well be an application for a house or houses to be built on Barton Corner.
2. Vermiculture: The embedded Planning Statement states that they will use common blue-nosed worms. According to my research, these are not appropriate for vermiculture. The worms that are used in vermiculture are not native and can have environmental consequences if released into the environment. The worms need a feed-stock. This can be waste that attracts flies. From my research, the proposal as outlined in the Planning Statement doesn't make sense.
I imagine this will be on the next Parish Council Meeting Agenda on Wednesday 10th June at 7.15pm at the Newbridge Parish Office. You can do your own research from the IWC website at You can leave your comments for the Planning Department on that same site but probably best to wait until after the Parish Council Meeting. I plan to video the Parish Council Meeting so if you are unable to get to the meeting, I will publish the video onto the blog.
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Old Gaffers Festival Yarmouth 2015
I made a short video including some still shots of the Old Gaffers Festival on Saturday 30th May 2015. It's embedded below. It was a truly delightful day, everyone was happy and the weather was glorious.
For those of you overseas on the North Island ;) or at the far-flung corners of the Island thinking that Yarmouth and the West Wight is behind the beyond, do consider coming along next year. It has to be the best value attraction on the Island costing precisely NOTHING! It's FREE! It does get busy and the car parks fill quite early. There is a Park and Ride on the way into Yarmouth and Southern Vectis lay on extra buses. Quite honestly bus is probably the best option unless you really need the car with you.
I hope you enjoy the video. Still rather amateurish I'm afraid but getting better! The movie and stills were all taken on my iPhone 4S.
For those of you overseas on the North Island ;) or at the far-flung corners of the Island thinking that Yarmouth and the West Wight is behind the beyond, do consider coming along next year. It has to be the best value attraction on the Island costing precisely NOTHING! It's FREE! It does get busy and the car parks fill quite early. There is a Park and Ride on the way into Yarmouth and Southern Vectis lay on extra buses. Quite honestly bus is probably the best option unless you really need the car with you.
I hope you enjoy the video. Still rather amateurish I'm afraid but getting better! The movie and stills were all taken on my iPhone 4S.
Friday, 22 May 2015
Isle of Wight Council Annual Meeting 20-5-15 - Videos on YouTube
I've spent hours trying to think of one word to sum-up the Annual Meeting and "Goodness!" captures it succinctly and accurately. Long periods of utter boredom and drivel with short flashes of bad tamper and shouting. While the sound system in the Council Chamber is (inexcusably) defective many of the Councillors mumble as though they haven't put their teeth in. I'm half minded to write a sketch of the proceedings but frankly the content wasn't worth it and the bits that were fun to watch were way too personal and revealing; it would be unkind.
If I could pass a law (and enforce it) it would be that every person of voting age on the Island shall watch this dreadful spectacle from beginning to end. I recorded the following video split into two sections on YouTube, below.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
PSP Financing Limited and the Isle of Wight Council
Proposal to Enter into A Partnership With Private Sector Plc Facilitating Ltd (PSPF) To Assist With The Utilisation of Properties
Executive Decision Reference 175 (14/15) 14th May 2015
Executive Decision Reference 175 (14/15) 14th May 2015
Proposal to IWC Executive for PSPF LLP by david5174
Part-transcript from the Executive
Meeting (not complete, please check against the video which is a
complete record)
Cllr Ian Stephens:
PLC Facilitating Limited – PSPF which
is what we will call it tonight. It's a way for adding capacity to
what we are dealing with regard to looking at assets we can dispose
of. I think that when we are trying to raise capital funding in
certain areas this is probably the best way we can do it. It costs us
nothing also in the agreement it allows us, if we can find a better
price elsewhere, then it doesn't tie us into anything we can go and
search for that price. The 50:50 split on agreed cost with PSPF is
something that people might raise their eyebrows to but there's work
to be done in the background and it's also allowing us to look at the
situation and if we can still make that extra amount of money it
doesn't preclude us from doing that. So I'll leave it at that.
Cllr Steve Stubbings seconds the
Mr John Metcalfe:
This does give us the capacity to look
at our portfolio in a creative way and a different way and whilst we
might ultimately choose to go to disposal one of the things I very
strongly would like to generate additional revenue from our
portfolio. We'll get a huge amount of technical and professional
and other advice that come as part of this particular joint venture
and they bring that to the table. If we wanted to do the same thing
ourselves we'd have to go out and get it.
Cllr Jonathan Bacon
This appears to be a scheme that
retains Council control over the matter so we do not need to go with
anything where the 50% would be any less than [we could obtain] from
our own Officers so it seems, as the recommendation says it gives us
an additional option to do something more creative than we could do
within our organisation.
Cllr Stubbings
You've just used the word 'creative'
which is pretty important here and it's very important that it is
understood not merely as a proposal that brings forward a means by
which we can dispose of our assets it is a proposal which brings
forward options which are open to us in terms of the proper
utilisation of our assets as Mr Metcalfe just mentioned there are
certainly some assets which the Council currently holds which
potentially are not being realised fully in terms of what they might
generate for us and I had the privilege of meeting with one of the
representatives of PSPF when they first came down with this proposal
and I was convinced that the level of expertise that they have and
the potential of bringing to the table in regard to this is quite
considerable. I was also persuaded by the potential that they have
for generating extra funding towards projects which the Council may
wish to take part in. I was certainly persuaded by that, Chairman,
and I would just like it to be mentioned very fully here in the
chamber today so nobody gets the wrong end of the stick here we are
not giving away the [?] or the option of being able to realise our
assets fully in terms of disposal or in terms of utilisation we are
entering into a partnership, a joint venture with a company which
specialises in this area and by doing that we will make full use of
our assets. Thank you chair.
Cllr Paul Fuller
I can only echo what's been said I
think we have as a council to learn from mistakes made in the past
and certainly selling off assets at below market value is a real
concern to the wider community I think we need that assurance that we
make the right decisions in the future and I welcome this opportunity
to do so.
Cllr Dave Stewart
The comments under C – the Scrutiny
views – it would be fair to say there was surprise in Scrutiny
because they didn't quite understand what was happening here and had
very little time to get into it. But as Stubbings has highlighted it
does seem an opportunity and a very practical approach. There was a
question about the period of the Partnership. Scrutiny's views have
been well-addressed. I would expect a good monitoring process in
place to see the benefits.
Vote: Unanimous yes.
Friday, 15 May 2015
Video recording of IWC Executive Meeting 14-5-15
Here is the video of the Executive Meeting held (last night) on 14th May 2015. It is split into two sections each of one hour.
Friday, 8 May 2015
Video of Shalfleet Parish Annual Meeting 6-5-15 now online!
Please find below the video of Wednesday's Parish Annual Meeting split into two sections for your inconvenience (it needed two video tapes).
There were some interesting views expressed. I was intrigued by one councillor's opinion that we shouldn't give Bibles to the children at the C of E Shalfleet Primary School on leaving since they come from Christian families and they will already have one at home. I was wondering about this since the meeting. Might we take this argument a little further? If the families are really good Christians then surely they know the Bible so they won't have one at home? Who needs a copy of a book you've already read and your grandparents have on the bookshelf? Better still, online. I almost never read my hard-copy Bible now, much easier online. Or perhaps what our little Christians need is a copy of the Koran to better appreciate other religions? Unabridged copies in Arabic? Or the Beano? Or the latest version of Trivial Pursuit?
Personally I can't see why the Parish Council is giving anything to the school children on leaving. Many of the Parishioners I know drive less opulent motors than those I see on the school run so why can't their devout mummies and daddies give Bibles to their offspring? At a recent Parish Council meeting where the children were invited a show of hands revealed that almost all the tots come from Totland, two parishes distant, with only one or two tots from Shalfleet! So why are the Parishioners of Shalfleet paying £300, around 1% of their entire precept, for Bibles for Totland totties?
Below are the two video sections for your entertainment. May I wish you a Happy New Government and the prospect of the local Council Elections looming over the next hill! You can rest assured that normal taxation services will continue as usual; who ever heard of Government with Taxation?
There were some interesting views expressed. I was intrigued by one councillor's opinion that we shouldn't give Bibles to the children at the C of E Shalfleet Primary School on leaving since they come from Christian families and they will already have one at home. I was wondering about this since the meeting. Might we take this argument a little further? If the families are really good Christians then surely they know the Bible so they won't have one at home? Who needs a copy of a book you've already read and your grandparents have on the bookshelf? Better still, online. I almost never read my hard-copy Bible now, much easier online. Or perhaps what our little Christians need is a copy of the Koran to better appreciate other religions? Unabridged copies in Arabic? Or the Beano? Or the latest version of Trivial Pursuit?
Personally I can't see why the Parish Council is giving anything to the school children on leaving. Many of the Parishioners I know drive less opulent motors than those I see on the school run so why can't their devout mummies and daddies give Bibles to their offspring? At a recent Parish Council meeting where the children were invited a show of hands revealed that almost all the tots come from Totland, two parishes distant, with only one or two tots from Shalfleet! So why are the Parishioners of Shalfleet paying £300, around 1% of their entire precept, for Bibles for Totland totties?
Below are the two video sections for your entertainment. May I wish you a Happy New Government and the prospect of the local Council Elections looming over the next hill! You can rest assured that normal taxation services will continue as usual; who ever heard of Government with Taxation?
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Shalfleet Parish Annual Meeting 7.15pm tonight at the Wellow Institute
Sorry for such little notice, folks. Sally sent out the details a while back but I overlooked it due to the General Election stuff going on. This is an IMPORTANT meeting tonight. We have had a Parish Election this year which I personally think has made a huge improvement on the Parish Council. Our Parish Councillors do a heck of a lot of work UNPAID year round and sadly few people bother to turn up to council meetings or get involved unless they have some burning issue of their own. We are a tiny parish and the Parish Council is our way to affect what happens to us locally.
Do please try to get to the meeting tonight at 7.15pm at the Wellow Institute. I videod the Annual Parish Meeting a couple of weeks ago but am struggling with the audio. It became a very intimate 'chat' kind of meeting with Cllr Stuart Hutchinson giving a very interesting explanation about what's going on with the Isle of Wight Council -- which was terrific, very relaxed, informal and useful -- but people let their voices drop so low it is hard to listen to. I've put it onto YouTube (below at the bottom) but can you please SPEAK UP a bit tonight! I record them so folk who can't make the meetings can watch at home. I don't charge for it and it is my pleasure to do that for them. Can you please speak up so they can hear you? Thank you.
Do please try to get to the meeting tonight at 7.15pm at the Wellow Institute. I videod the Annual Parish Meeting a couple of weeks ago but am struggling with the audio. It became a very intimate 'chat' kind of meeting with Cllr Stuart Hutchinson giving a very interesting explanation about what's going on with the Isle of Wight Council -- which was terrific, very relaxed, informal and useful -- but people let their voices drop so low it is hard to listen to. I've put it onto YouTube (below at the bottom) but can you please SPEAK UP a bit tonight! I record them so folk who can't make the meetings can watch at home. I don't charge for it and it is my pleasure to do that for them. Can you please speak up so they can hear you? Thank you.
Monday, 4 May 2015
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Annual Parish Meeting Wednesday 22nd April 2015 Shalfleet Primary School, Ningwood 7.15pm
The Annual Parish Meeting is being held this coming Wednesday at the Shalfleet Church of England Primary School, Ningwood. This is the school virtually opposite the Horse and Groom. If parking is difficult there is a Parish-owned car park off the main road 50 metres PAST the Horse and Groom by the recycling bins. For those coming from Bouldnor and Shalfleet village there is the No 7 bus that runs along the road every hour with a bus stop right outside the school.
The Annual Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council Meeting. It is a public meeting. You are free to ask questions from your Parish Councillors and your Ward Councillor (Stuart Hutchinson) and you are also free to state your views or raise any matter you like. I have embedded the agenda below.
The Annual Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council Meeting. It is a public meeting. You are free to ask questions from your Parish Councillors and your Ward Councillor (Stuart Hutchinson) and you are also free to state your views or raise any matter you like. I have embedded the agenda below.
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Parish Council Meeting **Bouldnor Mead Housing Estate**
Update (2) -- Saturday 11th April 2103. I have been uploading the two hours of video to YouTube via BT and it is only 16% complete. Maybe they will be up by Monday if they don't drop out first. Wight Fibre didn't do as they promised and my upload speed is practically zero. So those of you waiting for BT Rural Broadband (paid for by the Government from taxpayers' money) and tempted to use Wight Fibre....hmmmm.
Update: Parish Council votes to approve the Bouldnor Estate. I have the entire Parish Council meeting on video but cannot upload it until Wight Fibre fix my Internet which has been running at a ridiculously slow speed for over a month. The have promised to fix it tomorrow. We shall see. Regarding the decision the Councillors didn't seem to take into account the fact that the Shalfleet housing estate - Warlands Lane - was approved by the IWC Planning Committee a fortnight ago. What are they trying to do to the Parish of Shalfleet? The Late Sir John Betjeman would've penned a verse, maybe?
Come, friendly bombs, and fall on Slough!
It isn't fit for humans now,
There isn't grass to graze a cow.
Swarm over, Death!
Wednesday 8th April 2015 -- Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting to be held at 1000am 1000 am at Shalfleet Village Hall. Please see the Agenda below. In particular the planning application for a 22 'unit' housing estate and Abbeyfield home for the elderly will be discussed.
If you are concerned and have views either way, you should get out of your 'unit' and go to the meeting! I shall be taking a video of the meeting which I will embed here, for those who cannot get to the meeting.
I'm asking a question about the Millennium Green and the destruction of the hedge. Residents have mentioned to me their concerns about the speed of traffic through Wellow and the need for some kind of action be that calming, signing, or whatever. We are, of course, still waiting for an answer to the question going back to January about two Parish Councillors going on a publicly-funded First Aid course at Residents' expense. You will also see that there is a queue of charities wanting money from the Parish Council (you and me). Obviously it was a mistake to increase the precept beyond the inflation level!! My personal view is that the precept (which actually means "demand") is for necessary services in the Parish, not some kind of charitable foundation. I'm asking about the Millennium Green and we are generally only allowed one question per person so anyone interested in any other issues should come along and ask. I believe you can ask a question on the day now instead of giving written notice.
Things have certainly improved a great deal on the Parish Council since last Autumn's election. It's far more transparent and is easier for Residents to engage. Of course our new Clerk, Sally Woods, has also been part of the change. It's nice to see things getting better when elsewhere in Local Government things seem to be going from bad to dire!
Do try to get out of your unit and take part in the meeting!
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Warlands Lane Estate Approval
By now you know that the Planning Committee approved the planning application for a large housing estate to be built. I filmed the section of that Planning meeting with the kind permission of the Chair, Mrs Julia Baker-Smith. The YouTube video is embedded below. As one who is totally against this development I am awarding three gold stars and the contents of my pocket (half a Snickers bar and three aniseed balls one completely un-sucked) to our Ward Councillor, Stuart Hutchinson, who gave a clear, concise and factually-correct criticism of the scheme.
Affordable Housing. The legal definition of 'Affordable Housing' after is contained in the National Planning Policy Framework March 2012. This isn't a discussion point; Gov.Uk's 'Definition of General Housing Terms' directs to the NPPF and the relevant para is:
Note the term: "Private Registered Providers". Spectrum Housing is a 'Registered Provider" in this context and there are other Providers but none has been identified by the applicant. I am told by someone with knowledge of the history that Spectrum have declined this development because they feel it is unsuitable. Unless a Registered Provider is involved then the Planning Permission would not cover the development. The term 'rented' can apply even to 'purchased' property. Usually there is some element of lease or rental in the sale agreement for services or shared ownership of the land in these kind of developments. Unlike developments in the past, a trust does not get around the problem if the housing is to be 'Affordable' as defined in the planning legislation.
If the bulldozers roll-in the Isle of Wight Council can be called upon (ho ho) to enforce (ha ha) the terms of the Planning Condition. Please enjoy the YouTube video. It lasts 1hr 20mins but I think most locals will want to sit through it. Why was it given approval? The Planning Committee is judged on the number of decisions made against Officers' recommendations. If they reject too many then questions are asked and it opens the door for a reversal by the Planning Inspector.
Furthermore, the previous application (Brighstone) was rejected against Officers' recommendations and the whole gallery was packed with residents who expressed their views so vocally from the gallery that the Chair, Cllr Baker-Smith, had to threaten to clear the gallery. It sent a clear message of deep public feeling against that development to the Members. Shalfleet, however, sent just Cllr Pam Broadhead (Chair Shalfleet Parish Council) and one other resident, Mr Richard Steel of Fleetway, Shalfleet.
So, dear residents of Shalfleet, if you didn't want that approval -- a view you expressed so clearly at the recent public meeting -- you only have yourselves to blame for not going down to the Planning Committee and lobbying your Parish, Ward and County Councillors. Democracy only works for you when you express your wishes. If you don't express your wishes you'll end up with something that someone else wanted, not the thing you wanted.
Affordable Housing. The legal definition of 'Affordable Housing' after is contained in the National Planning Policy Framework March 2012. This isn't a discussion point; Gov.Uk's 'Definition of General Housing Terms' directs to the NPPF and the relevant para is:
National Planning Policy Framework March 2012
Note the term: "Private Registered Providers". Spectrum Housing is a 'Registered Provider" in this context and there are other Providers but none has been identified by the applicant. I am told by someone with knowledge of the history that Spectrum have declined this development because they feel it is unsuitable. Unless a Registered Provider is involved then the Planning Permission would not cover the development. The term 'rented' can apply even to 'purchased' property. Usually there is some element of lease or rental in the sale agreement for services or shared ownership of the land in these kind of developments. Unlike developments in the past, a trust does not get around the problem if the housing is to be 'Affordable' as defined in the planning legislation.
If the bulldozers roll-in the Isle of Wight Council can be called upon (ho ho) to enforce (ha ha) the terms of the Planning Condition. Please enjoy the YouTube video. It lasts 1hr 20mins but I think most locals will want to sit through it. Why was it given approval? The Planning Committee is judged on the number of decisions made against Officers' recommendations. If they reject too many then questions are asked and it opens the door for a reversal by the Planning Inspector.
Furthermore, the previous application (Brighstone) was rejected against Officers' recommendations and the whole gallery was packed with residents who expressed their views so vocally from the gallery that the Chair, Cllr Baker-Smith, had to threaten to clear the gallery. It sent a clear message of deep public feeling against that development to the Members. Shalfleet, however, sent just Cllr Pam Broadhead (Chair Shalfleet Parish Council) and one other resident, Mr Richard Steel of Fleetway, Shalfleet.
So, dear residents of Shalfleet, if you didn't want that approval -- a view you expressed so clearly at the recent public meeting -- you only have yourselves to blame for not going down to the Planning Committee and lobbying your Parish, Ward and County Councillors. Democracy only works for you when you express your wishes. If you don't express your wishes you'll end up with something that someone else wanted, not the thing you wanted.
Sunday, 15 February 2015
'Live' Facebook Qs and As to Leader of IW Council on Wednesday 18th February 1800 to 1900
'Live' Facebook Qs and As to Leader of IW Council on Wednesday 18th February 1800 to 1900
The above news item from the recently re-launched Island Echo explains all about this opportunity to question Jonathan Bacon and Steve Stubbings.
The above news item from the recently re-launched Island Echo explains all about this opportunity to question Jonathan Bacon and Steve Stubbings.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Report on Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting 11th February 2015
Report on Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting 11th February 2015
The meeting went on for THREE hours. We closed at gone 10pm. This was a budget 'meeting'. I shall give a report later but pressure of work prevents just now. Meanwhile, for the brave, here is the three hour audio tape in mp3 format. Just imagine; as long as the 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock news back to back without even a comfort break.
Here is the Dropbox link for your enjoyment:
The meeting went on for THREE hours. We closed at gone 10pm. This was a budget 'meeting'. I shall give a report later but pressure of work prevents just now. Meanwhile, for the brave, here is the three hour audio tape in mp3 format. Just imagine; as long as the 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock news back to back without even a comfort break.
Here is the Dropbox link for your enjoyment:
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Parish Council Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday 11th February 2015 Wellow Institute AND Andrew Turner will be at the Horse and Groom 1200 ish Saturday 14th February 2015
I have embedded the Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting Agenda for tomorrow, Wednesday 11th Feb 2015 at the Wellow Institute, at 7.15 pm. The Clerk, Sally Woods, is now posting these in good time on the parish website. I'll continue to post here for a while, until everyone is used to using the Parish Council website.
Your local MP, Andrew Turner, is out and about in the Ningwood area this Saturday and will be in the Horse and Groom from about 1200. Please join him if you can.
Your local MP, Andrew Turner, is out and about in the Ningwood area this Saturday and will be in the Horse and Groom from about 1200. Please join him if you can.
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
IWC Consultation of the future of Education on the Island
I went to last night's launch presentation and taped an audio, in the Dropbox link below. The IWC information is at
This really is a vital process that will affect the schooling on the Island for at least a generation if not TWO! The 'man from the ministry' was there (no bowler hat these days) who explained that these kinds of decision were made every sixty to seventy years. It is beholden on us all to take part in this consultation. Jonathan Bacon stated categorically that there is no predetermined outcome -- albeit there are a number of options on the table. I think that if folk come up with alternatives or comments they will be listened to. However if your comment is important it might be best to give it a public airing at one of the roadshows as well as completing the comments feedback. I shall try to get around to as many roadshows as I can, and record them.
Cllr Fleury (Chair Freshwater Parish Council) asked for a roadshow event in the West Wight; Jonathan Bacon promised that this would be added.
I was surprised not to see anyone from Shalfleet Parish Council at the event. There were loads of empty seats and no invitations needed.
This really is a vital process that will affect the schooling on the Island for at least a generation if not TWO! The 'man from the ministry' was there (no bowler hat these days) who explained that these kinds of decision were made every sixty to seventy years. It is beholden on us all to take part in this consultation. Jonathan Bacon stated categorically that there is no predetermined outcome -- albeit there are a number of options on the table. I think that if folk come up with alternatives or comments they will be listened to. However if your comment is important it might be best to give it a public airing at one of the roadshows as well as completing the comments feedback. I shall try to get around to as many roadshows as I can, and record them.
Cllr Fleury (Chair Freshwater Parish Council) asked for a roadshow event in the West Wight; Jonathan Bacon promised that this would be added.
I was surprised not to see anyone from Shalfleet Parish Council at the event. There were loads of empty seats and no invitations needed.
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting of Wednesday 14th January 2015 -- Report
At the time of posting, the draft minutes have not been published on the PC website however I have uploaded the tape recording of the meeting. We had to move rooms in the school half way through the meeting to let the children have lunch so the tape is split into two. I've posted them as mp3 files to a Dropbox link this time. All you need to do is click on the link and open the file. Most computers will play automatically -- if you are having trouble, let me know and I will talk you through it. Email me or ring.
Tape 1
Tape 2
A number of residents asked me to question about the £90 paid for two councillors to attend First Aid courses. This is a six minute tape of that question and answer
When the draft minutes have been posted on the PC website I shall convert them to a pdf file and embed them on this post.
Tape 1
Tape 2
A number of residents asked me to question about the £90 paid for two councillors to attend First Aid courses. This is a six minute tape of that question and answer
When the draft minutes have been posted on the PC website I shall convert them to a pdf file and embed them on this post.
Sunday, 11 January 2015
Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 14th Jan 2015 at the Shalfleet School at 1000
Hello fellow residents, and a very happy new year.
Our Parish Council has a nice long agenda for us this Wednesday 14th Jan 2015 at the school. I'll be making an audio recording but not a video this time as there doesn't seem to be anything unduly contentious on the agenda. Please let me know if you would particularly like a video and I will reconsider. If so please note that there will be children present during part of it and the video will be stopped; no child will be filmed.
Points I would raise with the Parish Council:
a) Buckingham Palace Garden Party: Would the Parish pay any expenses for this trip and if so, how much?
b) Charitable donations: Agenda item 135/14-15 above is yet another request for a charitable donation. My personal view is that the Parish precept (paid for by parishioners as an addition to their local council tax, collected by the IWC on the Parish Council's behalf) is for parish expenses not for charitable donations of any kind, however worthy. The Parish Council is not a charitable foundation it is a council. Residents are free to make any charitable payments themselves to their chosen charities with the huge added benefit that if they fill in the tax form the charity gets an almost equal amount from the Government (you and me) so giving personally is also much better for the charities.
c) Last month we heard that two councillors, Helena Hewston and Pamela Myles, had gone on First Aid courses at around £45 each(?) and that this was being paid for by the Parish Council. One resident said they'd asked in the office and were told that these first aiders were needed for safety in Parish Council meetings and that they needed two in case one was away. The resident was astonished at this sudden concern for our well-being for an hour-and-a-half a month and wrote to me. I have had two other emails about this asking what I am doing about it. The answer is I am writing about it here. If you wish to know more or to comment please ask them yourself. They have a legal duty to explain what they are doing with your money and why.
Please don't forget that if you wish to speak on an agenda item at the PC meeting you are obliged to give 24 hours written notice. Easiest way is to email Sally Woods at You are allowed to speak on non-agenda items without giving notice.
Our Parish Council has a nice long agenda for us this Wednesday 14th Jan 2015 at the school. I'll be making an audio recording but not a video this time as there doesn't seem to be anything unduly contentious on the agenda. Please let me know if you would particularly like a video and I will reconsider. If so please note that there will be children present during part of it and the video will be stopped; no child will be filmed.
Points I would raise with the Parish Council:
a) Buckingham Palace Garden Party: Would the Parish pay any expenses for this trip and if so, how much?
b) Charitable donations: Agenda item 135/14-15 above is yet another request for a charitable donation. My personal view is that the Parish precept (paid for by parishioners as an addition to their local council tax, collected by the IWC on the Parish Council's behalf) is for parish expenses not for charitable donations of any kind, however worthy. The Parish Council is not a charitable foundation it is a council. Residents are free to make any charitable payments themselves to their chosen charities with the huge added benefit that if they fill in the tax form the charity gets an almost equal amount from the Government (you and me) so giving personally is also much better for the charities.
c) Last month we heard that two councillors, Helena Hewston and Pamela Myles, had gone on First Aid courses at around £45 each(?) and that this was being paid for by the Parish Council. One resident said they'd asked in the office and were told that these first aiders were needed for safety in Parish Council meetings and that they needed two in case one was away. The resident was astonished at this sudden concern for our well-being for an hour-and-a-half a month and wrote to me. I have had two other emails about this asking what I am doing about it. The answer is I am writing about it here. If you wish to know more or to comment please ask them yourself. They have a legal duty to explain what they are doing with your money and why.
Please don't forget that if you wish to speak on an agenda item at the PC meeting you are obliged to give 24 hours written notice. Easiest way is to email Sally Woods at You are allowed to speak on non-agenda items without giving notice.
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