
Friday, 28 November 2014

Comments for Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting on December 3rd at 0930

The next Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting is on December 3rd 2014 at 0930 at the Shalfleet Village Hall.  I have made some comments, embedded below.

Commentary for PC meeting 3rd Dec 2014.pdf by david5174

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Parish Council Meeting December 3rd. NOW 0930 am

The Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting has been put back to 0930 for Wednesday 3rd December 2014

Please find embedded the Agenda and the draft minutes for last meeting (November)

Agenda and Prev Mins Dec 3rd.pdf by david5174

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

NEW -- Shalfleet Parish Council Meetings 2014/15

Sadly, many of the meetings will now be held in the mornings at 1000 which two thirds of residents say they can never get to.  If you want to take the matter up with the Parish Council then you should do so.  It is highly irregular for parish council meetings to be held in the working day.  For example, Isle of Wight Council meetings including Full Council, Executive and Scrutiny meetings all start at 1800.  Planning starts at 1600 but it is a special case since professionals have to attend; architects, developers, etc.  I have taken the following data from the Parish website but it is in Excel spreadsheet format which is a problem for many; I have re-typed it and posted it below as an embedded pdf which you can download and print out (for the fridge door, democracy doesn't work for you unless you go to the meetings!).  I imagine it will be necessary to video these meetings in accordance with the new legislation so that working folk and others who have daytime commitments can see what happened.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Tapnell Farm Planning Application for change of use from agricultural land to multi-use land

There is a new planning application in from Tapnell's Farm

TCP/24471/Y, P/01358/14 Land at Tapnell Farm Newport Road Yarmouth Isle Of Wight

"Change of use alterations and extension to barn including raised deck area (building 01) to provide cafeshop conference/multi purpose space retention of biomass unit change of use of barn (building 02) to form indoor activity area three single storey units to provide education/display areas associated play areas and parking"

David Long of BCM (David Long has also been associated with Christopher Scott) is the developer contact.  The overview is embedded below. Notice the model cows, the multi-use conference room and the 35 car parking.

According to the blurb it's about the demise of the dairy industry. Hence the model cows?

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Latest:: Warlands Lane Consultation Thursday 27th November 2014 7pm at Shalfleet Village Hall - UPDATE -1 +2

 Warlands Lane Consultation Thursday 27th November 2014 7pm at Shalfleet Village Hall -UPDATE-1 +2

Update 2 -- I have looked through this in more detail having read the briefing notes for next Tuesday's Planning Committee meeting.  At that meeting there are two new documents being presented to the Council for the first(?) time.  These appear to supersede local needs forecasts and are considerably more objective as well as complying with central government methodology.

The Planning Statement housing needs hinges on the Shalfleet Parish Housing Needs Survey which has been superseded by the IWC documents “Update of Objectively Assessed Housing Need, August 2014 Isle of Wight Council”  The Employment Rate Assumptions places the need for the Affordable Housing proportion at the very top of the Islandwide projections.  i.e. the Affordable element is considerably underestimated.

It could be argued that the Planning Statement and indeed the entire design has been rendered outdated and no longer required.  I shall ask a question at Tuesday's Planning Committee meeting whether these policy documents, having been adopted, now take precedence over local Housing Needs Surveys and how this is fits with adopted Neighbourhood Plans (e.g. Bembridge).  Note: Shalfleet does not have an adopted Neighbourhood Plan, merely the amateur document produced by Shalfleet Parish Council in 2013 in my opinion without adequate professional input.


__________________________End of Update 2__________________________

This letter has just come through to me from the IWC Planning Department by email.  Presumably I received it as I had left a comment last time.  Frankly it looks odd that the documents are available for inspection at Seaclose offices now but will not be available online until 28th November - particularly since the consultation is on the 27th!  I should have thought that accessibility is an issue, for those who cannot readily get to the Seaclose offices.  If anyone would like to view them and would be kind enough to let me have a copy I will publish them here.  If they won't give you access to copying or an e-version you could use your phone.  I will take the data in whatever form you have it, just drop it in to me or email it.

UPDATE:  NTA Planning have come back to me very fast with 66 pages of documentation.  I haven't been through it yet.  It's probably easiest  for you to download it to your hard drive then open in Adobe Reader but you can read it from the Scribd panel below.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Hamstead Farm Glamping/Camping Planning Application

I can transcribe the Shalfleet Parish Council Glamping/Camping debate from the audio tape I recorded at the last meeting.  It does take quite some time to do it carefully and it can already be heard on 

I'm happy to oblige if several folk would appreciate it, but would rather not if nobody is interested.  Please drop me an email at 

The latest Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting changes

I have embedded below the latest list of Shalfleet Parish Council dates into 2015.  It looks as though they are insisting on 1000am meetings now.  To the top right of this blog you will see a survey I ran for a month.  It's a small sample of the total electorate but those who visit the blog are probably likely to be more likely to attend meetings?  Anyway, it is a genuine attempt to gauge opinion and gives a pretty clear reply.

Evening only, mornings are often impossible:  22 (56%)
Prefer evenings but can usually make mornings:  5 (12%)
Prefer mornings but can usually make evenings:  8  (20%)
Morning only, evenings are often impossible:  4 (10%)

56% cannot make morning meetings against only 4% who cannot make evening meetings.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Ningwood and District Residents' Association AGM Friday 21st November 2014 Update 2 1

From Helena Hewston (Chair person)

"Open to residents of Shalfleet Parish"

"Ningwood and District Residents' Association AGM Friday 21st November 2014 at the Shalfleet School at 8pm.  Before the meeting there will be a talk from Vectis Astronomical Society on the subject of Dark Skies.  The agenda and other details will be available nearer the date"

Update 2:  Membership is £5

The meeting will be a talk,at Shalfleet School at 7:00, by the Vectis Astronomical Society on Dark Skies followed by refreshments. Then it will be the AGM, which will concern the election of officers, general report, treasurer's report and acceptance of the constitution.

I have heard nothing more from the NRDA. This is the paperwork given to me as a member, embedded below.  If you print it out you can see if it makes sense.  I think they're changing the Constitution.  Looks to me as though the General Committee elects the General Committee, but I might have misunderstood.

Warlands Lane Proposed Housing Development update/summary 16-11-14

At the Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 12th November, the Clerk announced that new papers and plans relating to the Warlands Lane Housing Development proposal, for 24 houses, TCP/31860, P/00507/14, made back in May, had re-surfaced.  We were not give copies of the plans or papers but we were told that a consultation is planned on Thursday 27th November at Newbridge.  If anyone will ask the Clerk for the letter, plans and papers she referred to in the meeting and let me have a hard or electronic copy I will post them here.  Times and possible venue change for this 'consultation' is to be announced by SPC on their website in due course.    You can listen to a recording of this discussion at the 7 minute mark on the recording at 

In May, I published three blog posts:-

For orientation, below are some papers associated with the application.  Note that the Application has no date or reference number.  Was this the original?  I don't know.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Special offer Sat/Sun this weekend on Hovertravel

This weekend there is a special online offer on Hovertravel £5 return per person on Saturday and Sunday.  Just this week and you have to have the Blue Residents' Card (free) and book online.

£5 day return per person this weekend Hovertravel!!

Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting 12-11-14

I now have the complete recording of the meeting held on 12-11-14 uploaded to YouTube embedded below:

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Ningwood and Newbridge Safety Action Group in talks with IWC and IR to introduce new speed limits and road layouts

It was disclosed at last night's Shalfleet Parish Council meeting that NANSAG (Ningwood and Newbridge Safety Action Group) is having talks with IWC and Island Roads to introduce new speed limits and road layouts.  NANSAG is Chaired by Mr Roger Stables, whose wife, Shirley, stood unsuccessfully for a seat on the Parish Council in October.  It is understood that the other member of NANSAG is Cllr Helena Hewston, Vice-Chair of Shalfleet Parish Council.

According to the information embedded below, NANSAG had been given correspondence from the IWC addressed to the parish councils and have come up with their own ideas, seemingly without authorisation by the Shalfleet Parish Council and without any public consultation.

NANSAG is also responsible for running the 'Speedwatch' scheme, with members of the public issued with radar traps having authority to access the Police National Computer.  Motorists found 'speeding' by the NANSAG members are reported to the police by inputting the car reg, date, time, colour and model, place and alleged speed, directly into to the Police National Computer. Further details of the scheme can be seen here on the Unofficial Shalfleet Parish Blog

Below: Letter from Mr Roger Stables Chairman NANSAG dated 7th October 2014  The letter states that "we can provide background and data to support each item" but this was not made available to the meeting or requested by the Parish Council.

The Parish Council voted unanimously to approve this activity and asked the Clerk to send the document to the IWC with the PC's approval.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Moa Place Car Park Freshwater - Update1a

Update 1 & 1a -- added link to IWC recording and minutes, see under YouTube player.
This is an interim post to inform you that last night 11-11-14 the IWC Executive Committee decided to increase parking charges, remove the free half-hour, and remove the Sainsbury's trolley-park imminently.  This is despite the 1503 signature petition I collected in the late spring.  It's devastating news for Freshwater and many Shalfleet residents who rely on the Drs surgery at Moa Place.  At last night's Executive meeting, which I attended, a Freshwater Parish Councillor said they'd make contact with me to discuss further.  This post will be updated as soon as I have further information but meanwhile before tonight's Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting here is the 15min audio (on the YouTube embedded player below) so you can hear what was said.  I can identify all the speakers if you wish to know; just ask.

 The Isle of Wight Council's recording is now online.  The quality of recording is superior to mine. I'll leave mine in place as I dislike editing-out previously published material except in case of error.  The minute is also available, link below.  I think the minute fails to convey the spirit of the discussion.

For example, the IWC minute stating the reason for removing the free half-hour and removing the trolley-park is:

To support the aspirations of the council to be an organisation
that, “meets its statutory duties and enables and
services at the right quality and cost effectively within the
resources available”.
To help protect and support most vulnerable and provide
support to the economy, should the income earned from the
changes help the council to sustain and improve
some of its
highways and policy objectives as set out in the Local
Transport Plan and contribute to its statutory responsibilities
under the Traffic Management A

Quite how introducing a charge that will affect the most economically-vulnerable people and removing the trolley-park that will affect those least physically able will "protect and support most vulnerable" are going to have to release Max Clifford to spin their story.  I personally think it's outrageous to remove the trolley-park; just think of the effect on those with disabilities let alone those with buggies and folk getting soaked.  It isn't good enough and they should reconsider before it is removed.

I am planning to do a full transcript of that section (all 15 mins) please bear with me or listen to the audio.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Monthly Heads-Up prior to the Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 12th November 2014

Monthly Heads-Up prior to the Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 12th November 2014.

This is sent automatically by email to those on my update list. If you would like to be added to my list, please email me at There are often updates during the month as matters arise.

There is a Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting this week, on Wednesday 12th November 2014 at 7.15 pm at the Shalfleet School. It's a long agenda

with public questions at the end, I'm afraid. If you'd like to ask anything about a main agenda item you have to give 24 hours notice in writing – they will not accept agenda questions on the night unless you have given written notice. Email is usually the best way, but I see that there is a discrepancy between email addresses used. The address on the website is while the address on the agenda is The former works, or did a week or so ago. You should use BOTH in case one or other isn't being monitored. On many occasions I have seen residents refused the right to speak, so do it by the book!

I have searched online to find background information for the agenda items which, according to the agenda, will be provided to councillors not “the public”. This month all I have found is the agenda item 096/14-15 Yarmouth flood update, which I've included in the blog on the agenda page below. That document is the update for 2014 and there is a lot more information on the Yarmouth Harbour website; I have given the link on the blog.

Another item I'll specifically draw to your attention is the NASAG item, agenda 094/14-15. This is the Ningwood and Newbridge Safety Action Group. This is a group of local people, self-appointed, I understand, with no public accountability, under the overall control of Cllr Hewston. The NANSAG members stand by the side of the road with a radar-trap supplied by the police and take down the registration numbers of vehicles that have exceeded the speed limit. They told me that they have access to the Police National Computer and can put registration numbers into the police databank. They told me that the police use the data and contact motorists who have been caught in the traps, sending a letter or a police officer is sent to the home of the offending motorist.

This does not seem to be widely known and I feel that if our Parish Council is involved we should be told and residents should be give a say; speed enforcement is not within the legal remit of Parish Councils. To put it another way, Parish Councils have no right to enforce speed limits. I shan't be raising this with the Parish Council myself. If residents want to know more they should ask the Parish Council, probably best at a Parish Council Meeting – don't forget to give 24 hours written notice because they will not let you speak during the meeting. They are allowed to, but they don't. There are a number of these 'Safety Action Groups' on the Island and presumably throughout the country. I have no other knowledge of them, whether they are affiliated, whether they can all report motorists to the police with direct access to the Police National Computer so if you'd like to know more, you should ask. 


You will see that the agenda item for NANSAG mentions a 'list of items' which residents have not been given a copy of. Parish Councils do have the power to change speed limits on certain classes of road but any such order must be approved by the Parish Council. Not having seen the 'list of items' they intend to send to the IWC and Island Roads for 'funding' then presumably some action that costs money is being proposed by this 'NANSAG', outside public scrutiny. You should decide whether you are happy with that; I have raised it here and shall not be raising it at the Parish Council Meeting.

101/14-15 Proposal to give £500 to the West Wight Sports Centre The question is not whether it's a worthy cause but whether it is an appropriate use of residents' money. If you consider the catchment of WWSC including Totland, Freshwater and Yarmouth, is £500 from Shalfleet proportionate? Maybe the Parish Council should find out what the other parish councils gave and then draw up a comparison on a per capita basis. Last year the Parish Council didn't, to my mind, take into account the views of the residents. This year, WWSC did collaborate with the Millennium Green (Wellow) for a fun day. Mrs Cowley was the key organiser for the MG. I wasn't able to attend but I understand it was a great success. I shan't be raising this myself, if you wish to, write 24 hours in advance of the meeting if you would like to speak.  I have a monthly ticket to WWSC and am a firm supporter; if you've not visited the WWSC recently, why not have a look?

Planning Application agenda 099/14-15 some notes and comments on the following blog pages:

I can't give any more comments because the information is not made available to residents and I hope that this heads-up has been some help to you.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting Agenda - updated

For those who wish to read the Yarmouth Flood report, I have embedded it below the agenda.  The other related reports (there is a lot of it) can be found in pdf form at

Does anyone know why we have adopted such unusual Agenda numbering below?  '14' is presumably the year but what about the other numbers.  I daren't ask and it's just curiosity, really.

Whippingham Vexatious Policy referred to in agenda above:-

ycdwg-report---update-2014---final.pdf by david5174

Holiday Flat Planning Application in Shalfleet Village

As this is a re-advertised application it doesn't appear in 'under consideration' matters on the Planning website so I missed it in last weekend's round-up of application.  Holiday Flat Planning Application in Shalfleet Village, TCP/08728/K, P/00090/14 is on the agenda to be considered at the next Shalfleet Parish Council agenda to be held at Shalfleet School, Station Road, Ningwood, on Wednesday 12th November 2014 at 7.15 pm.

Notable more for being in the middle of the village rather than its scale so one for the villagers to take a view on.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Shalfleet Parish Planning Applications requiring approval by 14th November 2014

As promised, I have gone through the three planning applications that need approval by 14th November.  Presumably these will be discussed by the Shalfleet Parish Council at their meeting on 11th November -- though the agenda is not available at the time of writing.  I hope my comments are of some use to you.  Feedback would be appreciated, with comments and suggestions.

Planning Application Comments 1-11-14.pdf by david5174