
Monday, 20 October 2014

Parish Council Meeting 1000 this Wednesday 22nd October 2014 and until January 2015

I have added a survey on the top right of this page asking you which times are best for Parish Council meetings, please take part.  They are totally anonymous, all that is shown is the numbers and %ages

Please note the Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 22nd October at 1000.  THAT IS 1000 IN THE MORNING, NOT IN THE EVENING.  The agenda is embedded below.  Please also note the revised meeting dates for this year and January 2015 also embedded below.  Wednesday's meeting is NOT shown on the meetings list and the call to meeting is separate.  Don't ask me why, but that's what it says.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Planning Meeting called next Wednesday 22nd Oct 1000 Parish Office Newly-elected Cllr Myles's planning application sweetened by a £10,000 gift to the Parish

A kind of multi-purpose meeting has been scheduled at the Shalfleet Parish Council offices on Wednesday 22nd October 2014.  As you will see from the embedded agenda, Councillors are 'invited', the press and public are 'welcome' to attend.  It's called a 'Planning Meeting' but the first agenda item is the Declaration of Acceptance of the three new Councillors.  The Declaration of Interest on the planning matter is to be 'discussed'.  No public question time is being allowed other than for agenda items, and that requires 24 hours notice in writing!

The legal status of that is questionable.   This is your (last?) opportunity to see your new Parish Council together under one roof; at least, your last opportunity this year, as the December meeting has been moved from 10th December to 3rd December (change your diaries, folks) presumably so that Mrs Broadhead can get home to Spain in good time for Christmas, as she suggested at the last Parish Council meeting.

I believe you have a legal right to ask questions of your Parish Council at the meeting without giving 24 hours written notice or sticking to the agenda.  I'll have to let you sort that out if you are interested.

The planning issue is newly-elected Councillor Myles's third attempt to get her planning consent for a new home on non-residential land this time with a £10,000 financial inducement to the Parish if she gets permission, according to her Planning Statement.  £10,000 is a fine inducement.  Traditionally served in a brown envelope, this one is neatly packaged in a pdf file but will no doubt serve the same purpose and times move on.  Don't hold your breath on the Declaration of Interest issue.  When discussing the Bouldnor Mead proposal Mrs Broadhead was challenged by the Manager of the Yarmouth Abbeyfield about her personal interest in the proposed Abbeyfield in Bouldnor Mead (Mrs Broadhead's mum is apparently in one of these places, I think it was said), Mrs Broadhead overruled the objector and carried on chairing the meeting while jaws dropped in astonishment on the public seats.  One doesn't want to be too nit-picky about the law, does one, unless it suits one?

At the last Parish Council meeting on 8th October it was stated that a new arrangement needs to be agreed with the landlords of the Parish Office.  It was stated that it would be discussed at the next meeting (presumably this one?) but it is not on the agenda.  This would need to be ratified by the Parish Council and it would not be legal to add it to the agenda without the statutory times and conditions being met.  Maybe this needs to be looked into.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Homestead Farm Solar Park Planning Permission application has been revised


 TCP/31883, P/00607/14  

Land at Homestead Farm Caulbourne Lane and land at Lower Dodpits Farm Warlands Lane Ningwood Newport Isle Of Wight PO30

This Solar Park application immediately to the south of Shalfleet seems to be active again. Originally submitted in May 2014, there were 27 comments making it a very controversial application. It was discussed at the Shalfleet Parish Council meeting of 18th June. I reported the case here on the Blog on 19th June, commenting that I was surprised that none of the Councillors seemed aware that there had even been a consultation on 18th February (which I attended). I reported on the case

In that report I also embedded the slides kindly provided by the developer's agent, David Long associated with Christopher Scott and Olivetina Property.

In that report I noted: "In later discussion, after the meeting, it was suggested that Natural England and the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England might have a view, as the impact on the environment is potentially more significant that it would seem at first sight."  You might remember that Mrs Sarah Tyrrel gave an eloquent and forceful presentation to the Parish Council, the text of which is embedded below:

Mrs Tyrrel's point, of course, shows that one's intuitively positive attitude to solar parks is over-simplistic.  Aside from the points Mrs Tyrrel makes, this land which was until fairly recently productive farming land is now destined to be built upon.  Mission creep usually ends up with housing estates, which are far more profitable, riding in on the back of conversion of any food-producing farmland when the use is changed to non-farming uses.  We never seem to get it back.

The residents of Shalfleet will need to consider whether they really want to develop both to the north and south of the established housing outline of the village or whether enough is enough.  Since solar parks provide no jobs, it doesn't bring any benefit to the residents of Shalfleet village or the parish.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Bus Timetables Change Sunday 12th October 2014

Please note that there are changes to the bus timetable from tomorrow (Sunday) 12th October 2014.  SV call them 'minor' and they are, in minutes, but a missed bus when there is a wait of an hour, or worse, the last bus, is far from 'minor'.

For Route 7 they say:

Route 7

There are minor timing changes to early and evening buses and the 20:30, 21:00 and 21:30 departures from Newport will depart five minutes earlier at 20:25, 20:55 and 21:25. The 21:15, 21:45 and 22:15 departures from Totland will also depart five minutes earlier at 21:10, 21:40 and 22:10.

The full information is available from the link below.  I believe that a new timetable is now available.

On the subject of buses, don't forget that the Key costs only £3 for a whole day ANYTIME unlimited.  So even if you have a bus pass it will pay you to have a Key if you have to take a morning bus and pay full fare.  If you do so, please use the Key all day, and put your pass away because every time you use your bus pass it costs the Council £3 per journey.  i.e. £6 single to, say, Cowes from Yarmouth -- £12 return.  

Friday, 10 October 2014

Surprise as newly-elected Parish Councillor's planning application is revealed one HOUR after the election

There was surprise last night when just one hour after Pamela Myles had been elected as one of three new Shalfleet Parish Councillors, her planning application was released by the Isle of Wight Council.

Surprise by locals was expressed as the newly-elected Parish Councillor Pamela Myles's application, already refused twice by the Parish Council and the Isle of Wight Council, for a new house on non-residential land, was revealed just one HOUR after the election results were declared by the Returning Officer, in which Mrs Myles had a vote of 138, the second-largest vote in the election.  In the Planning Statement, Mrs Myles offers to pay £10,000 to the Shalfleet Church of England School 

"Mr & Mrs Myles are also willing to offer the local Parish a section 106 agreement in the amount of £10000 to be a one off payment used for the benefit of the local School. We believe the school were interested in acquiring extra land to improve their facilities."

Mrs Myles's planning application for this house which has already been refused twice since 2012, most recently in August 2013 is reference TCP/12157/K, P/01188/14  and may be viewed in full on the IWC website.  Some of the key points are embedded in this report, below.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Shalfleet Parish Council Elections -- Results

The results of the Shalfleet Parish Council by-election today are as follows:-

Number of valid ballot papers counted:  321  i.e. turnout 23.5%

110    Mike Carr
132   Stephen French
155   John Francis McGuirk
138   Pamela Vivien Myles
119   Shirley Stables
124   David Walter

The Returning Officer announced that the following have been duly elected:-

John McGuirk
Pamela Myles
Stephen French

Note from me (David Walter)

I would like to thank everyone who voted for me and my many friends in the Parish who backed me when I had the daft idea to stand for the Parish Council.  This was my first experience of standing for any kind of public office and I have enjoyed every minute of the campaign, meeting so many people and and often long and interesting discussions. I believe that I have also laid the foundation for several good new friendships, people I have met during the campaign.  I'm sure that Dr Gordon Walker will be pleased with the effect on my waist when I see him next!

I  suppose I am a bit sad not to have been elected but I respect democracy above everything.  I am sure that we will have a fine new Parish Council, with a fine new Clerk in Sally Woods. While I have only recently met Pamela I know John and Steve well and they had my votes.

Well done John, Pamela and Steve!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Voting in Shalfleet by-election today (Thursday 9th October 2014)

VOTING is today.  The Shalfleet School is not being used this time, the two polling stations are Shalfleet Village (Church) Hall and Newbridge Parish Office.

Dear All,

A quick reminder that today (Thursday) is Polling Day in the Shalfleet Parish by-election.

The polling stations are: 
Shalfleet Village Hall (aka Shalfleet Church Hall)
Newbridge Parish Office (in Community Hall adjacent)

Polling time:  0700 to 2200
You don't need to take your voter card.  The officer on duty has the electoral register and will tick you off.
There are 3 vacancies and 6 candidates. 

A number of folk have asked me how these multiple votes work in the Parish election:

You have three votes and you should use them all.  You just select three names, put a cross in three boxes.  You can't put your choice in order of preference and if you try to you might spoil your paper and lose your vote.  3 boxes, 3 crosses.  That's it.

When the votes are counted, the total votes for each candidate are counted and the 3 with the most votes get elected while the 3 that get the fewest votes are not elected.  Simple as that.  It's not like a beauty competition, the candidate either wins a seat or (s)he doesn't.  All Parish Councillors are equal in the eyes of the law; the Chair is merely a facilitator who for convenience has a casting vote.  Neither is there any other kind of seniority.

Please take the time to vote today to make the new Parish Council as representative and democratically valid as possible.

My wife and I will be at the two polling stations for much/most of the day.  Do please say 'hello'.  If you don't know what I look like, I'm the chap with black rimmed specs and I'll be wearing my red Ronald Macdonald jacket.

If you are in need of transport to the polling station we do have volunteers.  Give me a ring on the mobile below.

Best wishes,

David Walter
07802 411155

Friday, 3 October 2014

Parish Council Meeting called on Wednesday 8th October - the day before the by-election

A Shalfleet Parish Council meeting has been called for Wednesday 8th October 2014 at 1000am at Newbridge Parish Office. I have been asked by two residents whether, since three new councillors will be elected on Thursday night, there had been any discussion with the candidates. I have had no contact from the Parish Council; I don't know whether the other candidates have been involved in discussions. Please note again the time of 1000am -- usually meetings are held in the evening to allow those who work or out all day to take part so this is an unusual exception.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Vote on Thursday 9th October for Shalfleet Parish Council: What would it be like if we didn't have a free democracy?

What would it be like if central government chose the candidates in our elections? In the Shalfleet Parish Council election coming up on Thursday 9th October 2014 Shalfleet residents have a choice of six candidates for three vacancies on the council. All of those six decided to stand, by themselves. They needed no permission from anyone. Any resident could have stood. We only keep our democratic rights by using them. If we don't use them someone will come along and say "They never bother, let's stop doing it, think of the money we can save..." Here is a link to my election website If any of the other five candidates would like me to add a link to their websites I will happily do that. Just email me the url. Hong Kong earlier today. What would undoubtedly happen elsewhere if we don't keep using the democratic rights our fathers and grandfathers fought for.