
Friday, 29 August 2014

A Friday Chuckle

Following is an article written by a GP from Sunderland in a medical publication 'Pulse Today'  I hope you enjoy a chuckle along with half the GPs in the UK!

Survival of the Thickest _ Blog by david5174

Thursday, 28 August 2014

September Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting CANCELLED: New Parish Clerk

The September Parish Council Meeting, scheduled for 10th September 2014 has been cancelled "due to insufficient councillor numbers" according to the SPC website:

I am told that the meeting would have been inquorate due to the Chairman being in Spain and that the next meeting will be "after the election".

Following a Freedom of Information Act request I have learnt that Mrs Sally Woods is the new Clerk to Shalfleet Parish Council.  Mrs Woods started last Tuesday 26th August 2014 and that the Parish office is expected to be open at the times published on the website.  However, the Parish Council refuse to divulge the minutes of the last two extraordinary meetings, held in secret, on a legal technicality.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Shalfleet Parish Council by-election Thursday 9th October 2014

We have now heard from Isle of Wight Council.  The procedure to fill the three vacancies on Shalfleet Parish Council has been published.  For any 'old hands', read the pack carefully as it is now in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 which has only recently come into full force, so things might have changed since you were last involved.  I am uploading the entire pack and the Model Code of Conduct exactly as sent to me by the IWC.  You may download it from here and use it for a nomination or the IWC will send you a hard copy on request.  The timescale is:

NOTE: There are THREE vacancies.  If there are fewer than three candidates there will NOT be an election.  If that happens then candidates will automatically be elected without an election.  If there are not three candidates then the Parish Council will fill the unfilled vacancies by co-option (i.e. the Parish Council decides who will be on the Council, not the electorate).

I am standing.  See page three of the Nomination Pack below to find out whether you are eligible to stand.


-----------------PLEASE CONSIDER STANDING, YOURSELF---------------------

The following website gives loads of information about Parish Councils and standing for Parish Councillor:

You can download that Nomination Pack and use that for your own nomination or you can ask Clive Joynes of IWC to send you a hard copy (his details on the first page).  There is also a Code of Conduct for Parish Councillors posted in the document below:

Monday, 18 August 2014

Shalfleet Fête Bank Holiday Monday August 25th 2014 - with the church mice!

The poster below is self-explanatory.  I suppose the holes were created by the Church mice?  I'm sure they were quiet about it, anyway!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

The Undercliff Road is our problem, too! Please help

The Undercliff Road (Ventnor) problem is a doppelgänger of Totland sea wall.  Naturally it is the residents of that area who are most affected and most vocal -- let's face it, their homes are on the line -- it affects all of us who love our Island.  There is also something not quite straightforward about the way all this has been handled which, of course, will come as a huge shock to you, dear reader.

There's to be a public meeting down at the Ventnor Botanical Gardens on Wednesday 20th August.  Details below.  Do please try to make it.  Car parking is free.  The VBG and the delightful Ventnor itself are always a pleasure to visit.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Updates: Parish Council Election and reminder, our MP, Andrew Turner, is visiting Newbridge for summer surgery Thursday 14th August 2014

First, the election:-

As you will remember, after the first Parish Council vacancy was advertised, a list of twenty-one signatures in support of an election rather than a co-opted Councillor was delivered to the Isle of Wight Council (IWC).  That put the wheels in motion with the Returning Officer's office.  Within a day or so, another two Parish Councillors resigned.  The same people (and more) who had wanted an election for the first vacancy wanted an election for the second two vacancies.  During my discussion with the Deputy Returning Officer, we agreed that unless the law specifically disallowed the two to be held at the same time, they should be held together to save everyone's time not to mention the cost.

Today (Monday 11th August) I went down to the Council Offices and handed over a list of thirty-two names to Mr Clive Joynes, Deputy Returning Officer, asking for the second two vacancies to be subject to election, not co-option.  These have been accepted and I am pleased to report that Mr Joynes is able to run the two polls at the same time.  He still has to make final agreement with those who run the hall but even so, there are alternatives available so the following timescales, while NOT official, are most likely to be the final dates:


Notice of Election:   Wed 3rd September
Last day for delivery of nomination papers:  4.00 pm Friday 12th September
Statement of persons nominated:  4.00 pm Monday 15th September
Last day for withdrawal of candidature: 4.00 pm Friday 12th September* (*new rules applied)
Last day for new applications for postal votes: 5.00  pm Wednesday 24th September
Notice of poll: Wednesday 1st October
Polling Day: 7.00 am to 10.00 pm Thursday 9th October
Counting starts immediately and result declared that evening

Several people have asked me how many votes each elector has.  There are three vacancies so each elector has three votes.  The elector may vote for up to three candidates.  If there are only three candidates then they would be duly elected without a poll (obviously, since a poll would be a waste of time).  If there are fewer candidates standing than vacancies then the Parish Council may co-opt to fill the outstanding vacancies after the election.

As I have already stated, I shall be standing.  If you are on the electoral register of Shalfleet Parish you are entitled to stand -- there is NO time limit for residency in the Parish. The information I have published here is given in good faith and is only an overview.  Please see the IWC advertised material - not available yet, probably on 3rd September.  The definitive source of information relating to all electoral matters is on  It's reasonably straightforward as websites go.

This is an important election particularly due to the Localism Act 2011 which is likely to have profound implications on Parish Councils.  Some of the new freedoms could be a double-edged sword and it is important that electors keep abreast of what's happening and choose their Councillors carefully.  The pendulum is still swinging towards greater devolution of government making the Parish Council potentially more important than hitherto.  Please don't make the mistake of thinking it's only about dog-poo and bus shelters - it is changing.


Now, Andrew Turner's visit:  May I remind you that our MP, Mr Andrew Turner, is doing a tour of surgeries around the Island this week.  In our area, the most local is to be at Newbridge Community Centre this Thursday 14th August 2014 arriving at 0945.  Please see below for Andrew's schedule for the whole day, below...if you have missed him at Newbridge you can catch him at the next one.

I'll be sure to go along to say hello to Andrew at Newbridge so maybe I will see some of you there.

Below is the whole list of Andrew's visits for the week.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Yet Another Extraordinary Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting PUBLIC AND PRESS EXCLUDED

Presumably advertised today but not clear since, like the last meeting, the announcement was not dated. As I noted a few days ago the new law was signed into effect by Eric Pickles. I also wrote to the SPC drawing that to their attention. It is to be hoped that the three new Councillors due to be elected as soon as the IWC set a date (October 9th has been suggested) will bring accountability and true representation. Though it would seem that Mrs Broadhead will remain Chairman at least until the next Annual Parish Meeting.

Extraorinary Meeting 13-08-2014 by david5174

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Recording of Council Meetings (audio and video) and other new rights -- UPDATE

UPDATE -- Eagle-eyed blog-reader, Steve Cowley, has kindly pointed out an error in this post. When I posted initially, the document below was the one that went with Mr Pickles' statement and Steve spotted that since when there has been a new document issued (immediately under the first) dated August 2014 which states it supersedes the 2013 version I published --- leaving us in a right pickle (forgive the pun) and me with egg on my face. Egg and pickle sandwiches, anyone? I am indebted to Steve Cowley to put the record straight. The main issue that I need to highlight is that the Parish Council only needs to provide THREE day's notice for a meeting, not the five stated in the 2013 document. Of course any decent council would give five days and information for residents (not just Councillors) to research and prepare for the meeting.

Furthermore, in my view the public should be heard BEFORE Councillors debate and vote. Mind you, the law doesn't actually require that and our Parish Council is doing the bare minimum required by the law. Quelle surprise? The other thing to help you in reading the new 2014 document is that only sections One and Four apply to Parish Councils. The other sections don't (yet). My humblest apologies to Shalfleet Parish Council for suggesting that they might be operating ultra vires on this matter as they are probably not.  They are not, however, working to Best Practice, which is voluntary.
Eric Pickles has just signed into effect the new legislation giving new rights to the public to access and record Council meetings and information. This short leaflet written for public use gives the details. Good Councils have been following this for some time -- bad Councils will now have to conform. Please have a look and know your new rights.

Also know that Councils have to give FIVE clear days notice of meetings and the background information will have to be available at the same time as the agenda.  Shalfleet Parish Council does not give background information and takes questions AFTER the Council have voted which is pointless and gives the public no chance to have their say.  If you have something you want to say, stand up for your rights.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE NEW 2014 DOCUMENT "OPEN AND ACCOUNTABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT" Aug 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

The Island's MP Summer Surgery Newbridge 14th August 2014 0945-1015

The Island's MP, Andrew Turner, will be holding a Summer Surgery at the Newbridge Community Centre on 14th August 2014, 0945 to 1015.

The Island's MP Summer Surgery 2014 - Starting From Newbridge and Finishing at Newport _ Andrew Turner by david5174