
Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Solicitors Letter from West Wight Alpacas, Mr and Mrs Payne PLUS the letter they did NOT want you to read UPDATE and Final Comments to IWC

Final Comments uploaded to IWC Planning Department 0030 11th July 2014

Update 2 8th July 2014  The information is coming in now; I am waiting for a final approval.  Meanwhile I would stress that while the application contains for the most part information that does not relate to planning matters.  Comments that contain a lot of non-material points will achieve little as the important points that are material to planning tend to get lost. I will update you when I can and probably see many of you at the Parish Council Meeting, where I believe this is going to be raised.

Update 1 6th July 2014:  I had a very useful meeting with the Case Officer last week.  I have never had to deal with these sort of things until now so I will share some insights.  The Planning Officers and the Parish Council will (?must?) speak privately to members of the public about Planning Applications. Such conversations are private, just as private conversations between property developers and the Local Planning Authority (LPA) remain private.  If you wish to speak to them, contact them and they will probably welcome you at their offices, by appointment. I was made very welcome so please don't feel deterred, and there is no need to speak 'planning-speak' - they speak English!

Understandably, being private, I am not going to go into all the detail here, but please note:  The re-application of this case - despite having been turned-down by the IWC and rejected on appeal - can be re-submitted essentially by making a new application.  From what I understood, there is no limit to the number of times they can resubmit essentially the same application even after losing an appeal.  Sounds crazy, but apparently it is a well-known technique used by property developers.  The applicants, being Directors of several property companies, would presumably know this particularly as they have a stream of legal, planning, veterinary, insurance and trade association professionals working for them --- which might sound steep for planning consent on a mobile home if they have no intention to develop residential properties on the land.   As someone said to me very recently "I don't understand why they didn't buy a farm with farmhouse; there are often nice ones available on the Island".  I found myself unable to disagree with them.

What is coming out of my research and discussion with the Case Officer is that the issue of bTB (DEFRA) and the Open Farm regulations from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) while seemingly not a material planning matter at first sight, almost certainly are, after all.  I need to take some advice before making the detail public (the threat of their solicitor's letter)  but I expect to upload this to the Planning website later this week.  I have an extension.  Indeed, given that a key paper the applicants had used to support their application had been revised by them just one day before the official close of public comments, should you wish to upload further comments I understand your comment will be taken into consideration.

------End of Update 1 ---

First they objected to Shalfleet Parish Council releasing the letter read out by the Clerk at the last Council meeting (SPC had to take legal advice!) and when I, as a courtesy, invite them to have their 'say', the next thing I get is a solicitor's letter. The correspondence is all below for you to read, including the letter that they did NOT want you to read.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Planning Application for 44 dwellings at Bouldnor Mead just outside Yarmouth - UPDATE 1

Update 2 10th July 2014

This was discussed at the public meeting and parish council meeting last night.  The attendance was good particularly with residents from Bouldnor and Ningwood.  The Bouldnor residents made strong and valid points against the development.  Whether they will be taken on as valid material planning issues is another matter, but their wishes were clear.  The parish council voted to object on the grounds that the development is too big.

Update 1  6th July 2014

As I posted last Friday, Shalfleet Parish Council have called a Public Meeting to be held immediately before the Parish Council Meeting scheduled for next Wednesday 9th July 2014 but the venue and times have been altered:

 Wednesday 9th July Newbridge Parish Office:

1830  Public Meeting regarding Bouldnor Mead Housing Application
1915  Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting (agenda here on the blog) note that public and press are excluded at the end of the meeting for the council to discuss personnel issues.   Note:  This is perfectly normal practice as personnel matters are private and not in the public domain.

Comments:  I have a few comments to draw to your attention before the meeting.

1.  The Application cites 'need' according to the applicant's own documentation which seems to hinge on the SPC Housing Needs Survey (itself controversial amongst residents) and the needs of Yarmouth Town.  It's a bit convoluted, I'm afraid.  Yarmouth TC seems lukewarm towards the proposal but not anti and would want to see a joint Section 106 with Shalfleet Parish Council - at this stage SPC's view on the whole project has not been stated.  This means that YTC are asking for an agreement with SPC to ensure that the development would only be used for local people.  However, without a Housing Needs Survey - which YTC does not have - the need would have to be justified by the controversial SPC Housing Needs Survey and some rather nebulous 'forecasts' from the IWC for the Island in general which really do not apply to the West Wight, in my view.

To complicate the matter, there is still the Planning Application at Shalfleet (Warlands Lane) which would amply satisfy the supposed 'needs' of the controversial Shalfleet Housing Needs Survey.

Since both proposals claim the same housing need, there should be what is called a 'Sequential Test' ('comparison', to you and me) and the best one go forward.  But that would be too sensible.

I urge you to have a read through the proposal and come to the Public Meeting on 9th July 2014 at Newbridge Parish Office (near to the Orchards Park) -- 6.30 pm

------------------------End of Update 1 ----------------------------

Today, the expected outline Planning Consent for 44 dwellings at Bouldnor Mead was published. TCP/31907, P/00591/14 The Case Officer is Mike Gildersleeves, a name unknown to me - he might be off-island? For the cognoscenti the agent is Christopher Scott. This is a pretty huge proposal that will almost certainly be 'called-in' to the Planning Committee. The Ward Councillor, Stuart Hutchinson will undoubtedly be looking at it closely as will Shalfleet Parish Council, I imagine, but note that the next scheduled SPC meeting is not until after the close date for comments. I have stayed very close to developments that seem to have a significant environmental effect in the parish recently but due to family commitments I doubt I can spare a lot of time on this one. If anyone would like to have news, comments, etc. on the blog, let me know and I will add them. Email to

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Proposed Homestead Farm Solar Farm Planning Application

This Planning Application, P00607/14 was discussed at the Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting on 18th June 2014. I was surprised that almost nobody present, including the Councillors, had been aware of a consultation held at Shalfleet Hall on 18th February. There were very few people there when I visited. The prospective developer sent me pdfs of the proposal which are embedded below, under a letter. I remember finding out about the consultation by accident and without notice, so one could not call the process 'consultation'. Mrs Sarah Tyrell of Shalfleet submitted the following to the Parish Council; she was complimented by Councillors and public alike for her contribution. In later discussion, after the meeting, it was suggested that Natural England and the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England might have a view, as the impact on the environment is potentially more significant that it would seem at first sight.

Mrs Tyrells Submission to SPC 18-6-14 by david5174

Shalfleet Expo Boards by david5174

Friday, 13 June 2014

Planning Applications and Parish Council Meeting on 18th June 2014 1715 at the Wellow Institute

There are a number of issues including planning which are of general interest.  In particular I imagine that most of us have a view on "speed issues" (aka speed limits?) in the Parish, so if you have views, try to make this meeting.

If you want to speak on or ask about any item that IS on the agenda (e.g. speed issues or planning applications) then you need to give 24 hours notice in writing.  email should go to  The other email address on the Parish Council headed notepaper (the address) is the old one.  Anything that is NOT on the agenda can be raised after the meeting in 'Questions From The Public'.

I'd be surprised if our Ward Councillor, Stuart Hutchinson, is present as this meeting conflicts directly with the Full Council Meeting of the IWC.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Land Registry Petition -- Privatisation could raise prices outside reach of private individuals

As most of you will know, the Land Registry has a website that holds the deeds and information on most properties in the UK. This is hugely useful when you need to know the name of the owners, what they paid for the land, whether it's freehold and even if there is a mortgage on the property. Not something you use every day unless you're a lawyer or an Estate Agent, but at the moment you have it at a cost of just £4 per time when you need it. You get the reply instantly, as well. There is an online petition available if you would like further details and the opportunity to register your view. The petition is at

It's one of those things...once it's gone it's gone, we'll never get it back or it will cost something like where you end up paying tens of pounds just to access one enquiry that might not even be registered (been there yourself?).

Sunday, 8 June 2014

FOI Request re Affordable Housing Survey - email to Mr Peter Griffiths, Planning Officer, IWC

This is a copy of the email I sent out today (Sunday). I hadn't had time to research and write it until today but had to get it in by Monday, hence the timing. I am certainly hoping that we'll get some feedback quickly. To be fair, both Shalfleet Parish Council and the Isle of Wight Council have taken this very seriously and have acted promptly so there is some chance we might have something substantial to include with the Warlands Lane comments. You will see my note regarding The Ashlar. I have gone through some notes and there seems to be no real impediment for Spectrum Housing to go back to that plan, unless the Property Owners have sold or declined to sell to Spectrum. The SPC stated in their last meeting that it would still be their preference for The Ashlar to go ahead. From the work I have now done on both projects, there seems to be no need and both schemes are intrusive. They are also both environmentally unfriendly and will detract from the rural scene in the West Wight.

Email Griffiths 8-6-14 by david5174

Friday, 6 June 2014

Affordable Housing Survey, Latest situation 6th June 2014

Just as a reminder as to what this is all about.  Shalfleet Parish Council issued a housing needs survey which is known by several names both within and without the PC. I think it's known as the 'Affordable Housing Survey' now.  Various property developers in the parish have put forward plans to build housing estates on green field land (and one brown field) by citing this Affordable Housing Survey to justify need.  At two public meetings residents have complained somewhat angrily to the Shalfleet Parish Council that they cannot believe the results of the survey are correct.  I, as an ordinary resident in Wellow, asked three times for the SPC to put the matter on the agenda to consider the validity of the survey.  I was turned down point blank on each occasion.  Therefore I submitted a Freedom of Information request to find out the facts.  Embedded below is the latest email correspondence sent today, 6th June 2014.  Please note that Susannah Jennings has been away on leave during this correspondence and the Acting Clerk, Mrs Sally Woods, is using Susannah's email address.

email_clerk_6-6-14 by david5174

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Affordable Housing Survey, FOI request, progress

We have an acting Clerk standing in for Susannah; Mrs Sally Woods.  Mrs Woods has phoned me to discuss the FOI request and assures me that she has the wheels in motion.  I will report here when I have some information to share.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Press Notice -- Petition against Car Parking Charge Changes at Moa Place, Freshwater, submitted to IWC

I have today handed over a named petition signed by 1504 local residents to Cllr Jon Gilbey, IWC   The petition calls for the IWC to reconsider its published plans to withdraw the free half hour parking.

1200 names and addresses were signed on sheets left with retailers in Freshwater, and 304 from the online petition website, with comments.  The comments on the sheets, and the comments fed back showed very strong feelings about the withdrawal of the free half hour, which is used extensively by:

a)  Drivers dropping-off and picking-up infirm patients to the doctors' surgery
b)  People picking up pre-ordered prescriptions
c)  Parents dropping-off and picking-up from the kindergarten
d)  Parents setting down and picking up children from the school
e)  Short term parking for people buying essentials in the local shops

Cllr Gilbey stressed that the consultation period will continue until Friday 6th June, 1200pm when all objections must have been received.   The 'new' Parking Places Order No 1 2014 should  be considered as a discussion document rather than a firm plan.

Further information please contact David Walter on 761763 or email

David Walter
Flowerburn Cottage
Main Road
Wellow  PO41 0SZ